Chapter 41

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"It's been standing still on the screen for a long time," Daniel said in disappointment. "I hope it didn't fall out."

Vincent looked at the screen for a moment, and then shook his head. "I think we're okay," he said. "It looks like they're in the airport terminal, so it makes sense that it hasn't moved in a while. They're probably waiting to get on the plane."

Daniel sighed, hoping that Vincent was right.

The two men sat in the car, just outside of a 24-hour supercenter, waiting for Petra to return. Hoping for the best with Dharma's GPS signal, Daniel turned his attention to Petra.

"She's been in there far too long."

"She's fine, Daniel."

"You and I bought all of our clothes, all of our necessities, and have been waiting here for fifteen minutes."

"More like five," Vincent corrected.

"Whatever. The point is—"

"Daniel, you and I picked the first clothes we ran across. Thankfully, she has a little more taste than we do. Don't worry. She'll be out in a minute."

He shook his head, "We should have stuck together."

"Then this would have taken three times as long."

Daniel wouldn't let it drop, "What if we were followed?"

Vincent let out an exasperated sigh, "What is it with you? If I were in there instead of Petra, would you be carrying on like this?"

"I'm just worried about her."

Vincent looked at him skeptically.


"Can I ask you a serious question?" he asked.

"No," Daniel said immediately.

Vincent chuckled, "You don't even know what—"

Just then, Petra came walking back to the car. She carried several shopping bags and had a slight smile as she approached. Daniel and Vincent got out to lend a hand.

"Thank you," Petra said, as she handed her bags over to the two men. "I was able to find Alojoba shampoo, if you can believe that."

"What's that?" Vincent asked.

"It's all natural--organic," she explained. "It's one of my favorites. They had a whole aisle of organic products, but I just grabbed this and left because I knew we were in a hurry."

"That's great, can we go now?" Daniel asked.

She smiled at his impatience, "Of course."

They got in the car and closed the doors.

"Has Dharma's position moved?" she asked.

"No," Daniel said. "We think she's still at the airport terminal."

"Let's check in to the hotel," Vincent suggested. "And then get something to eat. We'll monitor her location from there."

At the mention of food, Daniel realized that he was starving. None of them had eaten since breakfast, and the day's events had taken a lot out of them.

Petra began going through some of the bags in the back seat as Vincent drove out of the parking lot.

"Did you get a duffle bag?" Daniel asked.

"Yes," she said. "I remembered."

Daniel turned around and looked at her, "Petra?"

"Yes," she said absently, still going through her shopping bags.

"Are you sure you don't want to go back to Osiris? Vincent and I can go after Dharma. We weren't expecting to have this sort of lag time as we chased after her, but now that we do, we can afford to take a couple hours to drop you off."

Petra stopped what she was doing and looked at him. She appeared offended. "Why don't you want me to come?"

Vincent shook his head and mumbled, "Here we go."

Daniel sighed, "No. I do want you to come. I—"

She folded her arms, "I'm not so sure you do."

"He was worrying about you while you were in the store," Vincent told her.

"That's an exaggeration," Daniel said.

"Worrying like a mother hen," Vincent said, ignoring his denial. "I had to keep him from storming in there."

Petra looked at Daniel with a raised eyebrow.


"Do you think this is too dangerous for me?" she asked. "You do not think I can handle myself?"

"No, that's not it," Daniel said. He was already regretting opening his mouth.

"A gun will kill either of you the same as me," she said. "That danger is equal for all of us."

Daniel sighed.

"We all agreed that Dharma was more important than any of us," she continued. "Getting her back is our top priority."

"You're right," he conceded. He wanted the matter dropped.

"I am not going back to Osiris," she declared.

Daniel turned and faced forward. He emotionally shut down, silently hoping that she let the matter drop.

Petra grew silent as well. She ignored her newly acquired bags filled with clothing and sat quietly in the back seat. Daniel could feel that she was offended, although he didn't know why. He was only looking out for her well-being.

Daniel turned on the tracking screen. Dharma was in the exact same position. He hoped that it was a matter of them waiting for their flight, and that the GPS locator didn't fall out of her barrette.

"Same spot?" Vincent asked.

"Yeah," Daniel said glumly.

Petra didn't seem to show any interest in that.

"Petra, what else did you buy?" Vincent asked, trying to make conversation.

"Nothing that interesting," she said offhandedly.

They rode in silence for several minutes, when suddenly Petra's mobile phone rang.

As she answered it, Vincent looked at Daniel and said softly, "Whether we think it's safe or not, she's coming with us. You have to get right with that idea."

"Yeah, I know."

"Seriously, Daniel."

"I know, I know."

"Look," Vincent said. "If you want to talk about—"

"I don't."

"Well if you change your mind—" he trailed off.

Petra hung up her phone, and didn't say anything.

"Well, who was it?" Vincent asked. He looked at her from the rear-view mirror as he drove. She put her phone back in her purse and crossed her arms.

"It was my publisher," she said quietly.

"Is everything all right?" Vincent asked.

"Yes," she said. "She had some questions about the endorsements."

Daniel looked back at her, "Did she get mine on time?"

"Yes," Petra said. She had a subtle smile as if hiding something. "Your endorsement will make it on the publication. Thank you again."

Daniel nodded and then turned forward, "You're welcome."

He turned off the screen, leaned his head back, and took a deep breath. He became one with the silence and took the next few minutes to pray. He prayed for the health and safety of his friends and family, and for finding Dharma. He also prayed for strength—strength for challenges that had nothing to do with finding Dharma, or facing Cavanaugh and his men. 

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