Chapter 59

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It would be called many things. Some called it The Dharma Revelation, others The First Dharmatic Revelation, and yet others called it the Unmasking of the Devil. But Dharma insisted it simply be referred to as the first of many truths, and she pleaded to Daniel, Petra and Vincent to teach and spread her truths in an inclusive manner.

They asked many questions of Dharma on the ride back to Maryland, but Dharma soon became frustrated and insisted Vincent pull the car over so she could properly speak and have everyone's full attention.

Thus, the first of Dharma's full revelations was not at the top of a mountain, nor was it at a church, temple, or synagogue. It was at a truck stop in Indiana, on Interstate 80.

She and her three friends bought sandwiches and snacks. They ate outside, on a picnic table, in the mid-afternoon sun.

Vincent, Daniel, and Petra weren't sure what to expect. If humanity did truly pass a test, what would Dharma reveal? Would it be more of her traditional lessons? Perhaps she would reveal new words of wisdom—or ancient words of wisdom regurgitated in a way that was much more relevant to today's society. Regardless, they all prepared themselves for something grand.

What they received was much more mind-boggling and earth-shattering than anything they expected. It was not vague words or symbolic lessons—it was specific and direct, and it answered many age-old questions in such a simple and elegant way, that it had to be true.

"Territorialism is one of many roadblocks we face," Dharma said. "It has a successful history of disrupting truth and keeping people apart. But we are all one. Spiritual well-being is for all people--not just for a select few. Truth is truth, and lies are lies, but only truth will feed your soul. And thus, all will come to the truth, just as all must come to the well to drink."

Dharma sat on one side of the table. Vincent, Daniel, and Petra sat across from her.

"I will explain an important component about the relationship between humanity and God," Dharma began. "About good and evil, and about the definitions of these key forces, so you may better understand them. Because once you understand them, you can control them. The key to all enlightenment is understanding. Because you cannot live righteous lives by blindly following doctrine without understanding why. And the first key to understanding, I will give you today.

"We must not try to look up at God to figure out who or what he is," Dharma said. "That leads to frustration, exasperation, and a strained neck. Our limited minds were purposefully not built to comprehend the power and perfection of our creator. And therein lies the problem. We are trapped by our own minds; the very tools that we were given to help us adapt, survive, and better ourselves are keeping us down.

"Instead of looking up at God and straining our necks, let us learn a different way. Let us look down. If we were gods, what would we do? What would the dynamics be between us and our creations? What relationships would we form? How would they look at us and how much of it would be correct? Once we've established an idea of this sort of relationship, we can apply that to ourselves looking up. Do you understand?"

Daniel nodded, as did the others.

"Now, who can give me an example of such a scenario? What could humanity possibly be gods of?"

"Plants or animals?" Daniel asked.

"No," Dharma said.

"Bugs?" Petra tried. "Bacteria? Viruses?"

"No," Dharma shook her head. "Those things were all created by the same being who created you."

Vincent tapped his chin thoughtfully, "What about computers? Artificial intelligence?"

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