Chapter 54

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Busse Woods was a large complex of fields, forests and picnic areas. It was the perfect place to meet. A few random people were out walking their dogs or riding their bikes, others jogged by with their portable music players. But since kids were in school and adults were at work, it was relatively empty.

Daniel stood outside of his car, near the entrance of the park, occasionally scanning the area in all directions. He stared toward the main road leading to the park, hoping to see signs of Heller's car.

He had hoped Heller would be early, but that wasn't the case. It was already nine o'clock, and he wasn't here yet. The wind roughly blew through Daniel's hair in short but strong gusts as he sought to occupy his mind through the painfully slow waiting process.

He suppressed a wave of butterflies. They had a lot riding on Jason Heller. If he led them astray in some way, then they would be in a lot of trouble. Cavanaugh had no problem killing any of them. His callousness seemed to know no bounds. After the story Eric told him about his wife's murder, he had developed some sympathy for the man. That sort of thing would turn most men's hearts black, at least for a while. Unfortunately, Cavanaugh's history before that event didn't help matters much. He was simply good at his job.

"We all do things we're good at," Daniel said out loud, remembering the quote from last night's conversation with Petra.

Thinking of her made his head spin. He thought about what Vincent said and believed that he could still minister to people in some way. He felt strongly about giving back, living in service, teaching others and helping those in need—and he would never give up that part of his life. It would bring him great joy if he could somehow maintain that while allowing his relationship with Petra to grow.

Daniel wasn't foolish enough to think that a relationship with Petra would be simple, or without its challenges, but he had never met a woman who fed his soul before. And somewhere in the back of his mind, he felt he reciprocated that sort of depth to her. The differences in religious background only added to his sense that they complemented each other, like two puzzle pieces fitting together. Her unique perspective, including her upbringing and strong affinity for the Buddhist principles, was all very new to him. It allowed his spirit to grow, as if through exercise.

He looked at his phone to see if Petra tried calling. There were no missed calls.

He was a little surprised that she hadn't gotten upset and at least tried to call him. He had left her room rather suddenly, and he was sure his decision to come alone was not very popular with her.

Daniel's thoughts were interrupted as a dark blue sedan suddenly pulled into the park and headed in his direction. He recognized the car—it was Heller at the wheel.

There didn't seem to be anyone else in the front seat, but as the car pulled closer, he could see a small figure in the back.

Daniel smiled wide as he ran toward the car. The car came to a stop, and Heller opened his door.

Daniel nodded politely to him, but he turned his attention to the back door, abruptly yanking it open.

Dharma was there, sitting in her seat with her seatbelt fastened. Her feet barely touched the floor. She smiled at him.

Daniel felt like crying.

"Dharma!" He tugged and pulled at her seatbelt until it came off, and he swept her up into a strong embrace.

She giggled, "Hello, Daniel."

He set her down and bent over to look into her face, "Are you all right?"

She nodded, and her eyes shifted back and forth a bit. "This is all very interesting. And I must admit, I wasn't expecting this to happen."

"What were you expecting to happen?" he asked.

"Ever since we left Osiris, I was unsure how things would turn out." She looked speculative for a moment, "I do know there is still a test humanity must pass."

"It must be the CCE back at Osiris," Daniel suggested.

"Perhaps," she said.

Heller looked at Daniel, "You'd better take her out of here. I don't know how long we have. I bought us some time, but Cavanaugh will come looking for us soon."

Daniel nodded, "Thanks, for everything. Why don't you come with us? Join us at Osiris?"

He shook his head, "They'll look for me there. I need to lay low for a while."

Daniel nodded and extended his hand. "Alright then. Good luck to you. And thanks," he motioned to Dharma.

Heller shook his hand, "Take care of that girl. She is special."

Daniel put his arm around her, "I know."

Suddenly a white car with painted taxi markings pulled in off of the main road and headed toward them.

The three of them looked that way in concern.

"I bet that's Petra and Vincent," Daniel said, shaking his head. "I told them not to follow me here."

Dharma didn't take her eyes off the car.

"That's not Petra and Vincent," she said ominously.

Heller swore and quickly jumped back into his car. But just as he started to pull away, another similarly painted car swerved up toward them from the opposite direction, cutting off the only other way out of the park and cornering them where they were.

The first car stopped. Its back door opened, and a man stepped out.

Daniel's heart sank.

It was Cavanaugh. 

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