Walking Home

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You walked down the school hallway awkwardly while listening to music on your headphones and chewing your watermelon gum.

You were in the all boys school. Or it used to be the all boys school. They had recently merged the all boys and all girls. You thought that it would be fun to change things up a bit, considering the friends you had at your last school were bitches.

You expected it to be less awkward because you thought more girls would transfer here too. But nope, not a single girl other than you was in sight.

You were the new topic of conversation. Everyone knew your name. Everyone knew what you looked like, your classes, etc.

It was annoying.

In the middle of walking to first period you were spacing out listening to your favorite songs through your headphones when a tall guy with blonde hair ran into you.

"Hey! Watch it Blondie!" You scolded at the guy towering over you. He chuckled.

"Look Sasaki! Princess over here thinks she can tell me what to do!" He chuckled. You looked at the orange haired guy and for some reason your heart sank. You didn't even know why. You blushed and looked down.

"Nice headphones." He smiled. You looked at him and saw he was wearing the same exact pair. You smiled shyly and that made his grin even bigger.

"Shut up carrot head! This girl yelled at me! Aren't we gonna teach her a lesson?" Blondie yelled.

"I'm sorry Hirano, but maybe you should leave." He said sternly.

"Ugh fine. But I'm not helping you on your coming up test if you do this." Hirano threatened.

"Fine by me." He scowled at Hirano as he walked away.

"I assume your name is Sasaki?-Thats what Blondie called you." You said quietly while looking down.

"Yup. What your name?" He asked.

"Wow. I'm surprised you don't know. You must be the only one. I am (y/n) (l/n)."

"Okey dokey." He said in a high pitched childish voice, emphasizing the last syllable of each word, and grinned. "Oh and by the way, why are you walking to class? School is over."

"Oh, I just forgot my bag in my classroom." You said quietly.

He looked like he was in deep concentration for about two seconds then he said, "can I walk you to your class?"

He caught you off guard and you blushed and your heart felt like it fell all the way down to the floor.

"Wow. Your face is a bit red! Do you have a fever? Should I walk you to the nurse's office?" He asked worriedly. He was so sweet.

"No I'm fine. But yes, I'd love it if you walk me to my homeroom. Thank you." You answered.


You turned around to start walking first and before he ran to your side and caught up with you, you thought you heard him whisper to himself, "Damn, she's cute."

You brushed it off and assumed you heard wrong.

Only a few seconds after that he caught up to you and he walked so swiftly that you could feel the air whooshing past your face. You could smell his cologne in that whoosh of air; smelling of mint, lavender, and sweet vanilla. You could not help yourself but inhale deeper so get more of that sweet sent. You smiled in delight.

But after the air settled back down, it was gone.

"So... whacha doin at an all boys school?" He asked in a high pitched voice. You put your hand over your eyes in embarrassment.

"It's not an all boys school anymore. They opened it to the public, and I didn't know I'd be the only girl to transfer in, so everyone things it's still an all boys school plus a one freak of a girl." You we're really embarrassed to see that he thought you were like an intruder to his school. That you didn't belong.

You felt his warm hands on your hands that were still placed over your eyes and he gently pulled them down and off your face, looking directly into your eyes with a slight smile,

"I don't think your a freak girl." He said softly and you froze and didn't speak for a second. Your heart hammered. He was so adorable and you just wanted to be with him. You wanted to mean something to him.

"Th-thank you, Sasaki." You whispered with your voice stuttering and shaking and cracking.

"Your, your welcome, (y/n)." He mimicked your voice. You blushed and giggled.

"Oh damn it." He whispered looking away.

"What?" You asked curiously.

"I'm about to miss my train home. It leaves in 5 minutes." He said.

"Oh no! You need to get there!" You said taking his hand and running him to the door. He stopped.

"But I don't want to get there. I want to walk you home." He said politely. You gasped softly.

"Oh. I'd like that. Thank you." You smiled. "Sorry for the inconvenience."

"No, no. It's ok. It saves me a couple bucks and is really boring anyways. This will be funner." You giggled and his grammatical error and began walking by his side.

"So, just wondering, how old are you?" You asked him when you realized just how much he towered over you.

"Oh. About 17 years old. How bout you?"

"I'm 15." You said. "Your a senior, right?"

"Yup. Your a sophomore or junior?"

"I'm a junior." You said. He felt so mature compared to you. But at the same time, he could be more childish than you had ever been, even when just a kid. It was so cute. He was so cute. There was no way you would ever tell him that, though.

You slowly arrived home. Occasionally you'd look down and your hand, only to see him looking down at his, looking as if he were trying his hardest to not touch or hold yours. You quickly looked away. Once you got home, you looked up at him.

"Thank you for walking me home. It was fun." You said to him.

"Of course. Can I please do it again tomorrow." He blushed and looked down. He wasn't asking if I wanted him to, he was asking for permission. It sounded like he wanted to.

"Yes you can whenever you'd like." You smiled warmly.

"Ok then, you might start getting tired of me because we'll be together a lot then." He chuckled.

"Oh, I don't think I will anytime soon." You said, trying to be as transparent as possible without embarrassing yourself.

"Ok good. Because I won't either." He smiled. He then took his hand and brushed it softly down the right side of your cheek sending a chill down your spine and giving you goosebumps. He looked down adoringly at you. You wanted so badly to get on your tippy toes and kiss him, but he probably wouldn't like that so you would try not to think about doing that again.

Instead you grabbed the hand he was caressing your face with and rubbed it against your nose and mouth. You looked up at him and his eyes were nearly popping out of his head with surprise and hopefully attraction.

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