Gym Class

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"I knew it." You whispered in frustration.

"Whatever. You should probably get back to class."

"No. I have P.E. next and it's probably starting soon. I don't want to do it. Imaging being a tiny girl in a gym full of athletic boys; it's painfully intimidating." You explained so that even a dumb carrot like him could understand.

"I bet I can make the nurse make you go."

"No way! As far as she knows, I'm still mentally broken!"

"Wanna bet?"

"No, because I have nothing to bet, but if you win, i go to P.E., but if I win, you have to make out with me right here... AND you have to tell me right now what you were going to tell me later."

"That's a terribly unfair bet, but I'm taking my chances." You too shook on it. "Also I wanna come with you."

"Sure that will definitely work out. No! She would not let you! No way!"

"Let's see." He said in his usual childish tone and pulled my hand over to the nurse.

"Hello there." She said.

"Hi. So (y/n) here is feeling much better. I was wondering if I could take her to her next class. I know it's a small risk, as it is P.E., but I can go with her and stand with her the whole time so that I can make sure no accidents happen. I swear to protect her." He said calmly, as the nurse looked all flustered.

"Ok, of course, Sasaki." She bit her finger. He looked down and winked at you.

"Ok, we will be leaving now. Thank you very much, ma'am." He said as he pulled me out the door. "Look who has to do P.E.!" He said excitedly.

"Ugh. I don't care about that. I just wanted to make out with you, that's the only reason I'm upset." You pouted.

"Ha. It's ok. Maybe next time your win the bet. But this time I won fair and square."

"It's only because the nurse had a crush on you." You mumbled angrily.

"Probably. I'm just so charming." He said arrogantly as he winked down at you.

"Yeah, yeah. Shut up."

"What's got you in a bad mood?"

"I think you know."

"Yeah. I'm sorry you have to do P.E. with me."

"NO! I already said! I wanted to make out with you, YOU STUPID FUCKING PIG!!!"


"What's so funny?"




"Just tell me idiot."

"Nah. Not until later."

"Ughhhh. Fine." You said as you opened the door to the gym.

"Oh. My. Cheetos." Tashiro, the dumb kid with black and yellow hair said.

"Oh! Hey Sasaki!" Miyano said cheerfully. Sasaki smiled and waved. He looked really happy.

""Hey Miyano!" He said back. "Excuse me, sir, but I am staying for the class period to watch (y/n) because of a slight brain injury due to my awesomeness. Need to make sure she stays safe." He said with a giant smirk.

"Not sure if I completely understand, but ok." He said back. "(Y/n), your work out buddy today will be Sasaki, as the number is already even so I don't want to mix things up. Is that ok with you Sasaki?"

"Uh huh." He said. You were really worried you would not do as good as him. You didn't want to make yourself look bad in front of the person you like.

You looked at the whiteboard in the front of the room, which had all the sets of what you needed to do. It was ab day. Dreadful.

"First do three sets of twenty sit ups." Sasaki ordered.

"Ok mom." You said sarcastically.

He sat on your feet and you started them. The first ten were fine, but towards the end it got boring, your motivation went down, and you slowed down entirely. He could clearly see this. "If you finish all three sets I'll kiss you. Ok?"

You gasped in excitement and sped up. You were done in less than two minutes. You cheerfully stood up and tried jumping up to his head level to kiss him, but he never leaned down so you could not reach.

"Will you kiss me now?"

"Nope. Not yet. Later. Ok?"

"That's not fair. You said!" You complained.

"No, it is fair. I never said I when, so technically if I kiss you before either of us die, I kept my word on the deal. But I'll do it sooner. After school. K?"

"Ugh! Your so annoying!" You mumbled.

"I said I will later. Just finish this class. It's the last period so then we can leave. Together." You smiled at the word together.

Finishing the rest of your sets was a breeze. Sasaki have you the confidence you needed to finish the workouts. You were actually one of the first ones done. You never had been before. The gym teacher noticed your improvement too. He congratulated you. You were super proud.

~Time Skip~

School is finally over. You ran out of the class without Sasaki to go get your bags from your homeroom. You ran up to his class wing and waited for him anxiously.

"Hurry up you dumb carrot!" You shouted in his class. Everyone laughed at him, so it was more motivation to leave sooner. To avoid getting teased.

He was out in several seconds and you ran for the door, as he sauntered his way down the hall, taking his sweet time.

"Come ON Sasaki! I wanna know!"

"And you will. Be patient. Just a little longer." He said. You scoffed. You grabbed his hand and drug him as fast as you possibly could.

"So where will you tell me?" You asked curiously after you gave up on pulling and pushing him.

"I have a place in mind." He said as you two kept walking.

"Also you still need to kiss me. Remember?" You said and giggled.

"Yeah I know. After I tell you. Promise."


You and him kept walking for nearly an hour. Soon you just stopped caring about coming home in time for your parents. Maybe you wouldn't come home; that would be fun.

He walked you into a dark alley and sat on the stairs of an empty apartment building. You were completely and utterly alone.

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