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"Thank you tomato."

"Your welcome, carrot." He looked like he was in deep thought for a second.

"Will you be my tomato? For real? Like nobody else's?" He asked extremely awkwardly. He put his hand on yours, but turned away in shame.

"I... uh... are you asking me out?" You asked quietly.

"JUST TELL ME!!!" He yelled violently. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He went from yelling to barely audible whispers. His tone changed fast, he must have strong feelings about this. About you.

"Y...y...yes. I will be your girlfriend, Sasaki." He looked back in surprise.

"Are you sure? Sometimes I can be pretty dumb..." he said, still shocked.

"Yes. I'm sure." You said looking up at him with nothing but certainty covering your face. Along with all the tomato color covering every inch of your cheeks.

"Thank you." He whispered into your ear as he hugged you so tight you thought you'd explode out of shock. You had originally thought that he had been judging you for liking him and wanting to date him, because he was dumb. But it makes you happy that he likes you so much and is so grateful to just be in your presence. He makes you feel special. Like your the only girl in the world. "Why on earth do you like me?" He asked after a long hug, but he still didn't let go.

"Because your so nice to me. You make me a happier person than I was without you. Your so cute and literally everything you say and do make me melt."

"Really? Wow. I must be awesome." He said, getting cocky again.

"Don't get too cocky." You giggled.

"Aww. Why not?" He asked as he ran his pointer and middle finger down your throat and then kissed your shoulder violently, leaving a gigantic hickey.

"I d-don't know." You said in a shaky voice. He chuckled at your red face and mesmerization.

"Let's play a fun game. Ok?" He offered and smirked at you devilishly.

"What is it?" You asked, half scared, half full of desire.

"I'm going to do things to you, and we're going to see how long it takes for you to either moan, or chicken."

"Damn it Sasaki, this is not like you at all. Your normally so sweet and adorable and so amazing."

"Oh, I'm sorry Tomato. Am I scaring you?" He asked with a laugh.

"Yes." You said quietly. "Go back. Please."

"Go back where?"

"Go back to how you were. How you acted with me on the train and in Starbucks. That was all I wanted from this relationship. Please. Your scaring me."

He looked confused for a second, but then a wave of guilt and shock flooded in his eyes.

"I...I'm scaring you?" You nodded your head yes.

"Please. Can it go back to how it was before all of this?" You begged.

When you cuddled with him on the train, it was the most amazing this you'd ever experienced. And when he kissed your cheek, even though you fainted, it was so much fun. And standing in the Starbucks line and lunch line, cuddling into his side. It made you so happy. All of your favorite times with him re-emerged from your memories, and you smiled at all of them.

"It's not the same for you?"

"No." You looked down shamefully. You knew that you were happy just being around him, but it felt like half of him was gone when he wasn't sweet like he was.

Sasaki x Reader Where stories live. Discover now