Grande Frappuccino

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"(Y/n)" he whispered softly in your ear.


"You need to stand up. The doors will close soon." He whispered while trying to crawl out from under you.

"Never." You cuddled closer to him.

"Come on (y/n) we are going to be late!" He groaned.

"Fine." You stood up, as did he. He smiled down at you and kissed your forehead. You tried to fight it, but gave in and the biggest grin spread across your face. He chuckled silently.

You grabbed your bag and handed him his, and stepped out of the train. People flooded in after you two exited.

You looked up at him and he smiled widely, and he crouched down to your height. "Why can you not handle touching?" He whispered in your ear.

"I can too!" You defended. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

"Why can you not handle touching without blushing, shaking, your heart racing, or fainting?" You blushed and looked down.

"I didn't even touch you this time, you adorable tomato!" You blushed even more when he called you an adorable tomato. "What?" He asked.

"Oh, it's nothing." You responded.

"It's something. What is it?" He asked, trying to pry out as much information as possible.

"I don't want to tell you!" You snorted and flipped your hair in his face. He sneezed.

"Please tell me." He begged, getting back down to your level again. Oh my god, he was so adorable when he wanted something. Actually always.

"Fine. But I really don't want to."

"So... tell me... why do you look like all the blood vessels in your cheeks are about to pop out?..."

"Uh. You called me adorable..." You shoved your face in his jacket to hide it. You could feel him silently laughing.

"That bothered you?" He laughed.

"No..." You rumbled from inside his jacket.

"Then why are you hiding and blushing all over me?"

You pulled your head out and placed you hands on your cheeks, leaving the rest of your face exposed.

"I'm not blushing." He laughed so hard that his headphones fell off of his neck. You caught them and threw them at his face. "Stop laughing at me! I don't like it!"

"Ok, ok. I'm sorry." He said breathlessly as he wiped the tears out of his eyes. He put the headphones back around his neck.

"I hope you are!" You we're kind of mad but it was hard for the emotions to get too bad because he was just so cute. You smiled up to him.

"What?" He asked. "Why are you smiling."

"I'm not smiling." He chuckled and shook his head.

"So... are ya hungry?" He asked. "It's only 7:20 and so we have an hour and ten minutes before school starts. That's enough time to go to Starbucks or something, right?"

"Yes I am. I made breakfast for everyone but didn't get any myself."

"Okey dokey then. I will pay." He said cheerfully.

"Nope I got mine."

"Are you sure?" He looked unnecessarily worried.

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