Kiss on the Cheek

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"W-what are you going?" He stuttered.

"Oh. Does this bother you?" You asked sarcastically as you moved his hand to your lower neck and eventually down to your breasts. His breathing pace increased rapidly. You chuckled at his nervousness.

"N-no. It doesn't."

"Good." You said smiling at him.

"W-why did you do that?" He asked still stuttering.

"You touched me first. Remember that."

"Ok, but I touched you less."

"Ok stop complaining. YOUR hand was on MY boob, so whatever. Technically it was you the whole time but it doesn't matter. If you were bothered, don't do it again. Capeesh?"

"Uh huh." He said, with his brain shriveled up from the recent event. It was so cute.

"I'm sorry. I won't do that again. I was being extremely rude." You apologized.

"It's ok." He said with a slight smile. It didn't look like he was bothered, just like a discombobulated cow. You laughed at his expression. You and him looked adoringly into each others eyes for almost an entire minute, but then you had to break it off.

"Anyways. It was nice meeting you. Can we talk again tomorrow? It was fun." You said shortly. You felt bad about cutting your interaction short, but you had to go inside and you had been outside of your house for a while.

"Of course. Let me just walk you to your door then I will leave. Ok?"

"Ok." He walked you up each of the seven steps to your door. It felt unnecessary but it was nice and you were glad he did it.

"So will I see you back at school tomorrow or are you transferring back because you were traumatized by the amount of males in a room all at once." He teased softly.

"Nope. I'll be there. Not going back for anything. I am done with girls." You told him.

"Well I'm not." He lowered his shoulders just enough so that he could reach your hand.

He locked yours and his fingers together for a short moment right before he leaned down and his cold, but soft lips kissed your cheek gently.

You blushed so bright, you looked like a tomato. Your cheek tingled and they spread across your whole face and down your neck. Your heart hammered so fast it felt like it would explode.

In a good way.

His lips brushed against your cheek softly and when he pulled away he smiled down at you.

You were so stunned you could not talk. You looked up at him with your mouth hung wide open. Your brain felt like a computer, and someone had shut down all the tabs at once. Your brain was empty, but you were somehow happy.

You forgot the motion of smiling, blinking, and temporarily forgot how to breath. All those little things just in our muscle memory had disappeared. All that remained was you, him, and your scarlet red cheeks.

"So, yeah. I'm going to go now. I'll see you tomorrow." He winked as he waved goodbye.

You could feel your forearm muscles twitch as you wanted to wave back, but you could not get yourself too. You stood on the porch, with your mouth hung wide open for several seconds just watching him walk away, historically laughing at your expression.

Before he was even out of your view, your eyelids got heavy and everything got cloudy. Sounds that you heard fuses together into this ringing sound that echoed through your head. You forgot where you were and what was happening as your body started tilting back. You landed in an unknown persons arms. You had no idea who it was, and you mind had shut down too much to even be grateful for them saving you from a possible concussion on the cement stairs of your home. They set you gently down where you had fallen. All you could remember was how uncomfortable the steps were on your back, and the sound of the feeling of the unknown person running their fingers through your hair then the sound of them sprinting away.

Then you blacked out.

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