Night Swimming

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You took off your blindfold and you saw a beautiful river, and under your feet was the softest sand you'd ever touched. It was surrounded by trees, and the sky was a glamorous red and purple, with the moon and stars peaking out. The red of the sky died the water red because of reflection. It also reflected the trees and everything else in the area.

There was a white bench behind you, that Sasaki was already sitting on. You sad beside him as he handed you a mint Girl Scout cookie Blizzard from Dairy Queen.

"It's... it's beautiful Sasaki! Thank you!" You exclaimed and pecked his cheek as he adoringly looked down at you.

"I know it's not much, but I thought you'd like it." He said and grinned.

"I love it!" You hugged him. It was really private. Not a single soul was present.

"I'm glad. I didn't want to do something too fancy because it wasn't... you." He smiled at your happiness.

"Well this is very me." You said and took a bite of your blizzard. The ice cream wasn't too cold, but it hadn't quite melted. It was slightly more frozen than a milk shake, but tasted ten times better.

You rested your head on his shoulder and he kissed your forehead.

"I have another surprise..." he said and you almost jumped up and down, but you decided not to, do you didn't spill the ice cream he had kindly bought for you.

"What is it?!" You said excitedly. He pulled a two piece bikini out of his bag that looked like it would fit you perfectly. He handed it to you and you gasped. "Where did you get this?!?" You yelled.

"I... uh... stole it from my sister." He blushed and it was adorable.

"Awww. Now your face is red! I should start calling you my tomato!" You laughed, as did he. "But yeah, since it's your sisters, I'll give it back. K?"

"Haha thank you. She would have tried to strangle me if she knew I took it."

"Well I guess it works out, because she won't know."

"Good." You looked at the navy swimming suit with white dots and admired the color against your skin. Then something occurred to you. There were no bathrooms to change in. You would have to change in front of Sasaki. Your breath sped up and you started to sweat.

"Are you ok, (y/n)?" He asked sweetly.

"I... uh... it's... it's ok." You stumbled over your words.

"No please tell me what it is. You can trust me. I won't judge."  You sighed.

"Fine. I see that there are no bathrooms, so I will have to change in front of you."

"YAYYYY!!!" He said loudly and did a really bad dance before he started jumping up and down. "I GET TO SEE BOOBIES!!!" You laughed so hard that ice cream almost came out of your nose.

"Why are you so enthusiastic? My body is nothing special." You said wiping away the tears from your eyes.

"Your body is special!!!" He exclaimed.

"In what way?" You questioned.

"YOU HAVE BOOBIES!!!" You laughed just as hard all over again.

"Whatever. So you WANT me to change in front of you?"  He gasped. "What?"

"C-c-c-can I s-see y-your pu$$y?" He stuttered. You blushed a deep red and smiled.

"I guess so." You bit your lip nervously.

"Change! Change! Change!" He chanted.

"Ok! Ok! But... just... uh, don't tell anyone what you see. Promise." You said nervously.

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