Nurse's Office

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You loved flirting with him like this. It meant so much to you. You don't even know why, it just felt natural. You kicked him under the table. He kicked you back, careful not to hurt you. You smiled and then put your legs up into his upper thighs, using him as a leg rest.

He looked down at you, and he looked terrified, thrilled, and happy all at once. You didn't even know that was possible. But even how happy he looked, he grabbed your legs and set them back on the ground.

He scooted closer to you and whispered in your ear, "We'll talk about this later, k?" Then he caressed your face and grinned down at you; but before he could get down to your neck, he stopped and looked like he was concentrating on something then pulled his hand away and shoved it in his pocket.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing. It doesn't matter." He said solemnly.

"No it does. It's ok. Am I making you uncomfortable? Just tell me and I'll stop I swear." You put your hand in his pocket to hold his, and he flinched. His hands were cold.

"No I am making me uncomfortable. I'll tell you why... after school. Just wait a few more hours. K?" You sighed.

"Ok. If your willing to tell me I'm willing to listen." You comforted.

"K." He smiled s das looking smile as the bell rang.

"I'll see you later, my tomato." He said.

"See you later, tall carrot." You said as you saw how tall he was. He grinned.

He started to walk away when you grabbed his hand to pull him back. You wrapped your arm around his neck and forced it down low enough that you were able to reach on you toes. You kissed him softly, and he kissed back too, only for three seconds until he pulled away and looked at you. At least you got three seconds in heaven.

"I'm really sorry. I know you don't like it anymore, but but I had too. I'm sorry. I won't do it again without permission."

"It's ok. I needed that. Thank you." He said as his face beamed with happiness. You looked at him confused. He could almost read your mind. "Just wait a few more hours. I'll tell you. I promise."

"Oh, ok." You said quietly as you stared up at his face, mesmerized. He grinned down at you which put you into even more awe.

"Bye, my tomato."

"B-bye, tall c-carrot." You stuttered. He chuckled at your fascination to him. He swiftly walked past you and you could once again smell his cologne.

It was such an amazing scent. The sweet honey, the cool mint, the warm vanilla, and-your favorite-the fresh rosemary. It was exquisite.

If you were forced to only smell one thing for the rest of your life, without hesitation you'd choose that. So quickly, without a moments doubt if you ever wanted to smell freshly baked muffins straight out of the oven, or all the sweet air that wafts in your face the second you walked into Starbucks. You had to choose his cologne.

It was the best smell in the world.

As you were fangirling over Sasaki, you worked yourself up so much you got dizzy and stumbled back into your chair. You closed your eyes and focused on not fainting.

"Hey! Kiki's girlfriend! Are you ok?"

"N...n...n...n," you stuttered.

"Are you ill?" The sweet old lady asked.

"N...n...n...n," you stuttered.

"Then what's the problem? You tired?"

"N...n...n...n," you stuttered.

"Uh... lemme think. Is your mind hooked on something that is troubling you so much that you look like this mess you are?"


"Ok then. Let's go. I'm sure the nice nurse can help you fix whatever the hell is going on in your head."

"B-b-but I h-have cla-class."

"Screw class. This is more important."

"Ok." You walked with her to the nurses office thinking it was completely unnecessary, but you followed her anyways. When you arrived, she opened the door for you and told you to lay on the couch with a cold rag over your head. Of course the nurse was somewhere else at the moment you needed her. But you guess that's a good thing because you didn't want to have to explain the entire thing to her.

"Now rest ok?"

"Ok. Thank you."

"Your welcome, Kiki's girlfriend." She left.

You put the cold rag over your eyes and kept them closed for quite a while, thinking about how your chemistry teacher was probably wondering where you were. Screw him. It didn't matter. You just needed to rest.

You thought about so many random things, like you guessed how many grams of sugar were in peach tea, who made your headphones, the founder of Starbucks, and what amazing person invented BL manga. But they weren't all totally random. All had something to relate to Sasaki. It was so embarrassing, even though you were the only one that knew. You embarrassed yourself. Pathetic.

"Hello?" The nurse walked in, in a panic.

"Hi stranger." You joked. She smiled a mom smile, glad you were ok.

"So how are you feeling?" She asked, adjusting the rag on your eyes.

"Better. Thank you."

"Oh, your very welcome sweetie. I'm just glad your feeling good."

"Good enough."

"Oh! Also I hope you don't mind. Two seniors are going to arrive soon. I just got a call that one got hit pretty hard with a football to the eye. The other one is walking him down."

"Oh no, I don't mind." You said softly.

"So, can you tell me why you came here? What happened?"



"It's embarrassing."

"It's ok. You can tell me. None of the information that I hear will ever leave this room. Promise." She swore. You took a deep breath.


"Was it emotional, right?"

"Yes, very much so."

"Ok. I think I have a good idea of what it was." She kept a straight face.

"What?" You were skeptical.

"Was it a boy you like?" You gasped. You did not think she would be correct.


"Can you tell me who it is?"

"Suddenly this feels more like a counseling session..."

"Please just tell me. I'll be able to help you better if you do."

Suddenly you heard a ruckus outside of the door. Hirano with his hand over his eye, and Sasaki trying his hardest not to laugh at him, barged in. You rolled your eyes at your luck.

"It's him." You told the nurse and pointed at Sasaki.

"Damn. Ok. Girl, your on your own. Not that I don't want to help you, but he's like super awesome and I don't think anything could help at this point. Good luck." You rolled your eyes. It sounded like she liked him more than you.

"Huh? Oh hey, (y/n). Why are you here?" Sasaki asked puzzled.

"You, you dumb carrot!" You said loudly as the nurse got Hirano a cold compress and sat him in a chai. You stood up so he could lay on the couch. His eye was pretty bruised.

"Why is it my fault?"

"Cause your too fucking adorable. I don't expect a dumb carrot like YOU to understand."

"Good, cause I don't."

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