Home Life

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You opened your eyes for the first time in you had no idea how long when you heard your mom calling for you in the house and outside.

"(Y/n)!" She called.

"Right here mom!" You yelled back.

"Where have you been? It's been two hours since school got out! I expected you an hour and a half ago since you have to walk home!" He scolded.

"I'm sorry mom. I... uh... fell asleep. Today was exhausting." You didn't want to have to explain that you fainted because a boy kissed you, and then have to explain every little detail about Sasaki and invite him over to see if your mom approved. She was like that and if she knew what had happened to you she'd go insane.

"You better be sorry."

"I am."

"Ok good. Because who the fuck falls asleep on stairs? You must be sick or ill in some way!" She yelled.

"I'm getting mixed signals. Are you worried about me or mad at me?" You asked. She scoffed and walked away while throwing a paper at you.

List of Chores:
Clean kitchen
Clean bathroom
Clean everyone's rooms
Brush/wash dog
Make dinner

Be done with everything by 6:00 p.m. or no phone, tv, or contact with any friends whatsoever for the next two weeks.

Luv ya, mom.

That note was a headache to read. The part that made you cringe the most was 'luv ya'. No way. You had issues with her. She made you do all the work in the house and she didn't even work. You had to handle that with school. And you only had an hour and a half to get all of it done since it was already 4:30. You put your headphones in to listen to some of your favorite songs, and got right to work.

You're playlist consisted of Blue Bird, Shinzo wo Sasageyo, and more of your favorite anime openings. You were the biggest weeb you knew. You read manga of all type and your friends at the other school made fun of you for everything. But the worst thing that they used against you was you like BL. You weren't the biggest fan, but it was a fun way to pass time. Ever since then you told nobody about you BL manga. It was your own little pleasure.

The whole time you were cleaning all you could think about was Sasaki. It drove you crazy because you had only just met him today and you shouldn't be so obsessive over a single kiss. But at the same time it felt like that kiss defined your existence even though you knew all too well that it didn't.

You thought of Sasaki and his cute personality, kindness, height, carrot colored hair, earrings, smile. They made you smile. Each time you did your mother and father looked at you like you were crazy, raising an eyebrow.

"Did you meet a boy?" Your dad asked.

"Dad. I met like 50. It's an all boys school." You rolled your eyes.

"No need to be a smart ass, (y/n). It's incredibly irritating." Mom said.

"Ugh." It bothered you that they had to interrogate you about your social life while you were working your butt off for them as they chatted on the couch. You were a teenager. They should let you live like one before you become a stupid boring adult like them.

But one thing was for certain. You would NEVER be like them.

~Time skip~

You were finished with your chores barely on time. Of course they wanted a fancy dinner on the night you had the least time. You made roasted chicken with tomato basil pasta. It wasn't even that good but they loved it. At the same time, they didn't even say thank you.

You wished you had a younger sibling to pass your chores onto. At least share them. That would be nice.

"Feed your dog." Your dad demanded. You rolled your eyes and got him his premium food you were forced to buy with you or own money even though you weren't the one that wanted him in the first place. Your mom did, but got tired of him in a week so she passed all the responsibilities onto you, like always.

After you fed him, you went straight to bed, avoiding all possibilities of unwanted chores. You kept trying unsuccessfully to get Sasaki out of your head. He was just too cute to get out of your head. And you replayed the kiss over and over in your head. It made you so happy. The only thing you would have changed was to respond better. You wish you could have told him it was ok and you liked it so maybe he'd do it again. Now you had no idea if he ever would.

You slowly drifted away into unconsciousness and drowned out the noise of your parents scream-moaning in the room right next to yours. It happened every night. You were used to it by now.

You did not remember a singular dream you had. You slept like a log. You remember getting up to drink water and pee. While you did, you remember thinking 'I wonder if Sasaki is awake right now.' But that's it. You slapped yourself to get that thought out of your head. You could not think about him.

You heard your alarm screaming at you at 5:30a.m. You slapped it to get it to shut up and then stumbled out of bed and ran into your dresser so hard you bit your lip so that you didn't yelp in pain. You went into the bathroom to clean up the blood oozing wound on your side. You could not wake up your parents.

You made everyone hash browns, eggs, and bacon, and then got yourself ready. You spent a couple more minutes on your hair and makeup, and tries to convince yourself it was only because you felt like it. Not for Sasaki. You even put perfume on. Deep down you knew it was because you wanted him to feel the same you did when you smelled his cologne.

You put in your favorite earrings and in your favorite necklace.

You put on a your school uniform and skirt, wishing you could wear that beautiful dress in your closet. You brushed it off and started your walk to the train station at 6:50a.m.

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