Peach Tea

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The rest of the walk to school was a a little boring, slightly irritating, and extremely awkward. He wouldn't even talk to you unless you said something first. Still, his responded were all short; mostly one word answers.

He looked down and entertained himself by kicking rocks into near by bushes. You were so bored that you started sulking too about why he didn't finish the kiss. It was so frustrating and you didn't know if you did something wrong. You would have to talk to Hirano about it.

Once you finally arrived you turned to look up at him. He was already looking down at you. You smiled and grabbed his hand. You got on your tippy toes and tried to kiss him but he pulled away.

"What are you doing?" You asked sadly.

"Why does it fucking matter?" He asked sternly.

"I don't know. I guess it doesn't." You replied and walked to class.

First, second, and third period were all so boring. Fourth was nothing short of awful. Math. You despise math. You could easily remember words and things like that, but history was another exception. But ELA was a breeze and so was science. Extremely boring though.

~Time Skip~

Towards the end of Math, when you heard the lunch bell, you packed your bag quickly and was the first one out the door. Apparently you forgot to zip your bag, because all of its contents spilled all over the cold tiles in the hallway. You tripped over your pencil bag and fell on your face. All the eyes were on you.

You heard people say things like "all girls are clumsy" and "they should have never even let this disgrace come here". You got onto your knees and yelled at the top of your lungs, "Everyone just shut up!"

You grabbed your stuff and ran away. You threw your bag in the desk in your next class and ran for the cafeteria. You clearly did not know the campus well enough because when you entered the room, you were still running and forgot the placement of the tables. You ran right into one and it knocked the wind out of you. It hurt so bad. Again, everyone stared at you, but this time, you had no where to run away to. You got your clumsy butt off the ground and stood up and brushed yourself off. You looked to your left and to get in the lunch line. The last person in line was the last person you felt like standing by at that moment.


You walked up behind him, hoping he wouldn't notice you. You put your hood on, trying to hide your face.

When the line moved, you being the clumsy person you are, you stumbled into him and tripped of his foot. You couldn't catch yourself so when you fell into his back, you buried your face in between his shoulder blades covered up by that orange school uniform.

He turned around to see who it was only to see you looking down in embarrassment. You were still trying to hide your identity so you pulled in your hoody strings and covered nearly your entire face in the hood.

He burst out in laughter.

"You know your super cute when you do that, right?" He snickered. You poured your lip and glared at him. "And when your mad!" You didn't say anything. You were still mad at him for not kissing you. You turned your head and sulked looking the other direction. "Why are you so upset?"

"Don't talk to me." You grumbled.


"Because I'm mad at you, you dumb carrot!" He snickered at that.


"Because you were mad at I have no idea what on the way to school, and you were about to kiss me in the morning too, but you didn't finish it and asked me to slap you! I don't even know if it was me and I did something wrong! Then when I tried to kiss you before school started you pulled away!" You looked directly into his eyes with rage. He looked apologetically down to you.

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