Train Ride

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"(Y/n)?" Yum heard someone say from behind you. You turned around and it was Sasaki.

"Oh hey." You blushed and looked down as the butterflies in your stomach decided to chew holes in it. You cringed at the physical pain your mind was creating for you.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"Feeling fucking fantastic." You responded sarcastically. He laughed. "Oh, by the way. Tip for next time, don't faint so hard. Almost didn't catch you." He said snickering.

You gasped. "That was you?"

"That saved you life?-Yes." He said extremely cockily. He smiled. "But still, no need to faint. A bit dramatic, wouldn't you say?"

You shoved your face in your favorite manga to hide it. You didn't realize it was a BL manga. He pulled the book down and flipped through the pages, while you looked like a tomato all over again.

"Where did you get this?" He asked. "It's a good book, isn't it."

You gasped when you saw what book it was and ripped it out of his hands and shoved it in your bag. You covered your face with your hands. Life was getting more embarrassing by the minute.

"What?" He asked.

"I don't like people to know I read that kinda stuff."

"It's ok. I read it too. My friend Miyano introduced it to me and I really like it." He smiled. Your eyes sparkled when he said that. You had finally found someone that wouldn't judge you about it.

"All passengers step in the train. Departing in 5 minutes." Said the robotic voice from the loud speakers in the station. You and him stepped in.

"It's cool we go on the same train." He said.

"Yeah it really is."

You thought for a second. He was being so friendly, but nothing more. Did he not like you, and the kiss meant nothing? Maybe that's why he was laughing so hard. He was only messing with you. You frowned and looked down as you threw your stuff under your seat. You bag of manga spilled everywhere. You gasped in horror and cleaned it up as fast as possible to keep people from seeing all of your BL. Luckily nobody did except Sasaki who was laughing in the seat beside you.

"Shut it." You hissed.

"My bad. Didn't realize you could be so scary." He laughed harder. You pouted.

"It's ok, (y/n), no reason to be sad." He said and he kissed your throat and rested his large hand on your shoulder. He leaned his head up to your ear and whispered in it, "don't faint."

You started shaking and you looked up at Sasaki who was not laughing, but kept a straight face. He was so cute normally, but right now he was hot.

"Why?" You breathed. You could not get anything else out.

"To test your limits." You frowned.

"Don't be sad. It will be fun."

"No it w..." you could not even finish before he rudely interrupted you. But you didn't mind however, as he tilted your chin up and whispered, "just stop talking," and he lowered his head and kissed you. Your eyes widened so much your eyes began to become blurry so you closed then. His cold breath slid down your throat and you could feel him holding back the urge to use tongue.

He grabbed your hand and you opened your eyes just enough to see his still closed. He caressed your jawline down your neck and then pulled away.

He studied your facial expression. He noticed you shaking and then put his hand on your chest to feel your heart.

"You don't do well with physical contact, do you?" You just looked up at him and he smiled. "I'm going to take that as a no."

You frustratedly rested your forehead on his shoulder and closed your eyes. You could not begin to explain why you liked him so much.

"Why do you do this?" You groaned.

"Do what?" He asked. You punched his arm when he asked that dumb question. Apparently you didn't punch hard enough, considering he laughed. You were expecting cries for mercy but you get an adorable chuckle. What a drag.

You put your head up and glared at him.

"Stop being so perfect." You whispered as you rested your head on his shoulder. He didn't speak for a minute. You looked up at him and he looked deep in thought.

"No can do." He said. You rolled your eyes.

You fell asleep on his shoulder for a few minutes before he shook your shoulder and woke you up.


"What." You groaned. It was so adorable when he said your name to you while talking. It made you smile.

"Don't fall asleep."

"Too late for that." You cuddled into his shoulder and wrapped your arms around him, as he did the same.

"No but seriously don't sleep. Our stop is next." Sasaki said sweetly.

"Ok fine. Only if you don't move."

"Fine by me." He said and you buried your head in his chest. He grabbed your hand and rubbed it against his face and kissed the palm of your hand.

You were so tired but careful to not fall asleep. For two reasons. Reason one, he told you not to and you would respect his wishers, and reason two, you wanted to live this moment for as long as you can.

And as long as you could only turned out to be seven minutes and forty seven seconds until it was your stop.

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