His House

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"I agree." He whispered back. He played with your   (h/l) hair and you hugged against his bare, muscular chest and he hugged you back. He wrapped his arms all the way around you and both of his gripped your ass again and you giggled as he massaged and squeeze. It sent goosebumps all the way up and down your arms and your legs. It started getting cold as the only light visible was the moon on the water. You started shivering and your teeth started chattering. He pulled you closed to warm you up and it worked. "Are you still cold?" He asked.

"Yeah," you looked down. His holding you felt warm, but he could not hold your entire body at once.

"Come with me. I can help." He said and carried you out of the water.

"Ok." You said, already almost out. He waded out of the water and set you carefully on your feet in the sand. He walked to his bag as you followed him. He pulled out a towel and handed it to you. "Damn, you came prepared." You said and smiled. No wonder his bag was so big.

"Yeah. I thought a lot about this last night and how to make it the best experience for you." He grinned.

"But you didn't even know I'd say yes yet..." you said.

"Yeah well it was worth it for the slight chance you would." He said honestly.

"It wasn't a slight chance. I had already decided that if you didn't ask me, I'd ask you. But I was hoping it wouldn't get to that point because I was scared you'd say no, and a nervous wreck anyways..."

"There is nothing for you to be nervous about." He kissed your hair and you smiled. When he realized you were still shivering he grabbed his hoodie and sweatpants out of his bag and handed them to you. "You can wear these." He offered.

"Thank you." You quickly slipped your bikini and handed it to him as you put back on all of your wet cloths and put the hoodie and sweats over it. You hugged yourself, embracing the warmth and put the hood on. He smiled down at you, more than usual.

"What?" You asked confused.

"You look adorable in my hoodie, I'm just melting right now." You saw his eyes smile. You know that when someone's eyes smile, it is a genuine smile. You can fake a mouth smile, but nothing can quite replicate an eye smile. It melted your heart he loved you so much.

"Thank you," you said and grabbed his hand. He started walking with you and you decided you were not close enough. "Can I crawl in your shirt again please?"

"I'm sorry, tomato, but I cannot walk that way. But we can cuddle when we get to my house, ok?"

"Ok." You sighed. You smiled when you realized you wouldn't have to put up with your parents for a while. Then you frowned when you realized how much they'd scream and yell at you when you'd get back. They'd ground you from life or something like that. Those damn psychos.

"What's wrong?" He asked sympathetically.

"Oh, my mom's gonna kill me." You said with a weak smile.

"Oh. Do you got mommy issues?" He asked soft and soothingly.

"Don't forget daddy issues too." You reminded. He frowned.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"It's ok. It's not your fault in any way." You said and kissed his palm. He smiled brightly. "Wow I can sure cheer you up quick!" You teased. He blushed and avoided eye contact out of embarrassment.

"I was just joking." He mumbled.

"How can you jokingly blush? Is that even possible?"

"No. But I'm awesome." He reminded you and you smiled.

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