One Lucky Tomato

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It was fun because you could do whatever you want and nobody would know. But it went the other way too. You know that fact should have scared you, but it seemed to make things more fun for you.

You hopped onto the stairs beside him.

"Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!"

"Ok, but calm down." He said nervously.

"Okeyyyy. So... tell me why you didn't kiss me and have been acting weird and non-touchy."

"Fine." He took a deep breath. "So the first time I kissed you and touched you, it was for two reasons alone. One, because I wanted to see your expressions, and two, I was doing it solely to kiss somebody. Not to kiss you, but just to kiss. I did not have feelings for you until I had kissed you. I didn't even realize at first, but on the train it hit me. I thought I should make the most of it, which I tried, but I was consumed with guilt because I had no idea if you felt the same way. I didn't know if you got flustered because you got kissed, or because I kissed you. And if they didn't mean anything to you, I didn't want to bother you and I also didn't want to get attached to someone I could not have. The truth is, I like you, (y/n). I like you a lot. But I cannot do the touchy thing if you don't feel the same. I know I'm a stupid carrot, and a total idiot, so you don't have to except this. But I needed to tell you. Partly because I wanted to, and partly because you would not stop bothering me about it." He chuckled. "But don't feel pressure into saying you like me if you don't. I only want this if it's for real. Not fake. Please... just be honest. Even if the truth hurts." He said, and instantly closed his eyes and crossed his fingers in hood I'd say yes.

"Damn, that was a mouthful." You giggled.

"Don't make me wait. Just be honest please."

"Ok. I will."


"So... what?" You asked, bothering him by how much you were making him wait for an answer.


"Um... let me think." You pretended to be hard at thought when you were just suppressing the urge to explode with excitement. You had liked Sasaki ever since you ran into Hirano and you got to talk to him. You wanted this forever. A good guy that liked you back.

And the kisses being meaningless was also a giant concern for you, so when your theory was proven wrong, it was like two fifty pound weights being lifted off of your shoulders.

"Just... decide already." His eyes were full of embarrassment and agony. Longing for me to say yes was the most prominent thing. You could not stand to see yourself hurt him. He had let his guard down you you, and he thinks your about to say no. You could see him preparing for the pain.

"I... I like you too, Sasaki." You said quietly with a slight smile. He looked up so surprised you thought he was about to scream.

"C-can I get that again... please?" He asked. Damn it he was going to make you confess again.

"I said... I like you." He gasped and hugged you so tight. It felt great. You breathed in his cologne and smiled. His warm, muscular body around yours just felt right. It felt natural. You could feel his heart beat through his jacket, and then you felt both of yours sink.

He hugged you tighter and tighter by the second.

"D...does this mean we can kiss now?" You asked, hoping your timing was ok.

He let go of you and looked down at you and held your jaw with his gentle hands, masculine hands.

"Please?" You begged.

He leaned down and your he made his lips hover inches away from your once more.

"(Y/n)?" He whispered breathlessly.

"Y-yes... Sasaki?" You said in the same tone.

"I... I love you."

"I... I love you too, Sasaki." You whispered back truthfully.

"I'm glad."

The space between your lips slowly vanished until his glided against your. He tangled his fingers up in your hair and pulled you closer. You gasped at his aggression and passion, and he used the gap in your lips to his advantage. He slid his tongue through the gap and left not a single surface untouched. You let him do whatever he wanted. He pulled you even closer, which you didn't know was even possible.

He licked the tip of your tongue with his before they brushed against each other when he decided to stick it down your throat. He was definitely not clumsy with his tongue, even though he didn't like spice. The BL rumor was false.

He pulled away after a few minutes.

"Are you satisfied? You lost the bet earlier but still get to make out with me. You lucky tomato." He said breathlessly with a weak smile.

"Oh, I'm thrilled."

"So... the reason I didn't want to touch you too much earlier was because I didn't know what your limit was. What is it?"

"I don't have one. Do whatever you want."



He smiled at the wide range of possibilities this opened for him.

"Oh! And I forgot to ask you. Why did you faint I kissed you on the cheek for the first time?" You rolled your eyes. This was an embarrassing topic. You groaned.

"Please tell me." Me kissed you short but sweetly.

"Ugh your so persuasive when your so adorable like that."

"Ha. Thanks. But tell me."

"Because that was the first time anyone had ever kissed me ever and I was in shock you did it because I liked you..."

"I get you were surprised and all, but faint? That's a lil over dramatic, wouldn't you say?" He chuckled. You pouted. "I'm sorry. Could you ever forgive me?" He kissed your cheek.


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