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You finally woke up at around 3:30 in the afternoon, starving, only to smell a wonderful smell coming from the kitchen. Pancakes. When you looked at the clock to see how late it was, you gasped at how much time you had lost that you had not spent with Sasaki.

You looked down seeing yourself covered in a blanket you had not recalled using before you had fallen asleep.

You got up and walked into the kitchen.

"(Y/n)! Your up!" He said enthusiastically.

"Yeah." You said as you rubbed your eyes and he flipped a pancake. You looked at them and saw they had chocolate chips, your favorite.

"Don't worry, you can have some too. I made them for us, not just me." He said as you nearly started drooling on them. He handed you a giant plate with two big ones. You sat down and waited for him to finish his so you could eat with him. You tried to be as patient as possible, but it was difficult.

Once he finally sat down you smothered your pancakes in peanut butter and syrup. You took a bite, and it tasted like you took a bite of happiness.

"That's odd. I've never seen someone put peanut butter on their pancakes..." he said as you devoured the first one.

"Really? It's the best thing ever. You should try it." You told him in between bites. He put peanut butter on his next pancake and his eyes widened when he saw how amazing it was.

"Wow! I've been missing out!" He shoveled some in his mouth.

"It's especially good on chocolate pancakes because it is just like Reece's." You explained. "But it's amazing on any pancakes. Even blueberry, surprisingly."


"Oh yeah!" The pancakes were so amazing, the best pancakes you'd ever had. There were so many melty chocolate chips inside, you got several in every bite. "Thank you so much Sasaki. It is amazing." You said. "How did you know when I'd wake up and when to make them?"

"You started tossing and turning in your sleep so I figured you'd be up soon."

"You figured right." You focused on chewing for a second. "You were watching me sleep?"

"No, no! It's not like that!" He blushed.

"Stalker." You teased.

"No! But you are the cutest thing I've ever seen when you sleep..."

"Thanks, but how would you know if you weren't watching me sleep? Huh? HUH?" You liked teasing him about it. His expressions were so adorable when he was embarrassed. You would try not to be too evil when teasing him, though.

You really didn't care that he was watching you sleep. Honestly, it flustered you that you were even worth watching sleep. You smiled and finished your pancakes.

You took your plate up to the sink and started scrubbing the syrup off and loaded it in the dish washed. Once Sasaki was done too, you put your hand out to him, and he put the plate in your hand and you scrubbed his dishes too and then put them in the dishwasher.

"Thank you, (y/n)" he said and kissed your hair.

"Of course. You made the most awesomest pancakes ever for me, so the least I could do is the dishes." You closed the dishwasher and pressed start.

"Oh, yeah! I have a gift for you!" He said. "Well, actually two."

"Omg really? Thank you so much Sasaki!!!" You exclaimed and he laughed at your excitement.

"Don't thank me yet. You don't even know what it is..."

He handed you awfully wrapped items. Once was like a shaped like a cylinder and one a tiny square.

"Can I open it." You whispered intrigued.

"Well, yeah." He said in the same tone as if I had just asked 'is there butter in buttermilk!' or something stupid like that.

You carefully unwrapped the first one, being careful to not rip the paper, and pulled the tape of gently.

"(Y/n), it's ok. You can rip it." He said.

"No. I don't want to! You worked hard on wrapping this up and I'm not about to rip it!"

"Ok. Do as you wish." He shrugged. You kept carefully pulling at the paper, and it finally exposed that it was a bottle. It was black and looked like it could spay somehow. You could hear liquid inside and so you turned it over to look at the front to see what it was.

He had gotten you a bottle of his cologne.

You jumped into his arms and hugged him. He laughed at your reaction, so excited for cologne. He thought it was like really funny.

"Thank you."

"Yeah. I thought a lot about what you said the other last night about my cologne being the best smell in the world, and I thought if you care that much about it, then it would be sweet to get you some just to have and spray in the air and smell if your sad, or to wear for comfort." He was so sweet. He thinks about what you say to him and bases things he gets for you on them. It made you so happy he thought so hard just to make you happy.

"Thank you so much Sasaki! I love it!" You exclaimed and let go of him and looked intensely at the other package.

"Um... i... uh... never mind."he stuttered.

"What is it?" You asked curiously.

"Nothing important."

"No. It was something. Please tell me Sasaki. Please?"

"Ok fine. Can you please open this one faster than the other one? I had no problem with you opening the other one slowly, it was sweet of you to think of me. But I really want to see your reaction on this one."

"Oh yeah of course. I'm sorry."

"Don't be." He said and you picked up the small wrapped box.

You quickly unwrapped it and it was a ripped up tiny cardboard box. You looked at him puzzledly.

"Open the box." He whispered and kissed your cheek. You did as he said and the first thing that stuck out to you was a piece of metal like material. You looked closer and it was a ring.

The band was a beautiful rose gold that looped with another part of the band, which was also rose gold. The top of it slightly branches out and had leaf shapes that had white gems in the middle, and in the very center of the ring, there was a red stone that reminded you of a rose. It was so pretty.

"Sasaki!" He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you as close to him as possible. "Thank you so much!"

"It is a promise ring. My promise to you that I will never do anything to hurt you. I won't ever cheat or break your heart. I promise. Can you except that?"

"Yes! I promise too!" You said and kissed his neck because that's all you could reach in his embrace. He continued to hold you invisible arms and rock back and fourth for several minutes. It was so comforting and melted your heart that he cared so much about you. You tried to move your head away from his shoulder so that you could kiss him, but he squeezed you tighter and would not let you go.

"I'm never letting go." He whispered soothingly. You tugged away from him so you could try to kiss him, but he grabbed you tighter again. "Mine." He said, and you tried again. "Mine." Again. "Mine." Again. "Mine." You gave up and embraced him again, and you felt your heart beats sink.

You noticed his breathing got heavier and heavier slowly. You glanced up at his eyes, which were closed. He was sleeping. Apparently you weren't the only one that the all nighter had effected.

You hugged him closer and wrapped your legs around his waist. "Mine." You whispered in his ear. You played with his carrot colored hair and smiled. He was so adorable. You slipped his promise ring on his finger and kissed his forehead.

~Time Skip~

He woke up around 6 in the evening, with you still holding him tight. When you saw his eyes open you pulled him closer. He tried to stand up.

"Mine." You repeated his words from earlier. He chuckled and kissed your hair.

"Oh my god, I love you. I'll have to marry you some day."

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