Chapter 14

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Harry's POV
It's only been a day and already Niall has lost his temper with me just because I let Louis see his children. Is this how he's going to act for almost the entire week. I mean was I a bad dad to let them go with Louis? I mean he has a right to see them doesn't he? I sighed unsure if I was doing the right thing.
"Papa?" I snapped out of my thoughts as I saw Micah looking at me confused.
"Sorry baby boy. What did you say?" I asked Micah.
"We play dwess up!" Micah said excitedly.
"Okay. What are we dressing up as?" I asked.
"Vet!" Micah said. He then ran over to his toy box and got a vet costume and some animals.
"You bring them to me!" Micah said with a giggle.
"And you'll make them feel better?" I said.
I then played get with Micah for a while, and then we dressed up as Peter Pan and Captain Hook which I had to send to Louis since Peter Pan was his favorite. We then played house.
After a while of playing we cleaned up and I got lunch ready which was Mac and cheese. I then put the movie Aladdin in for Micah and sat on the couch and cuddled him as we watched it. Halfway through the movie Micah fell asleep. I slowly shifted my body and got off the couch. I then put some white noise on the tv so he wouldn't wake up and headed to the kitchen and got a glass of water and then decided to start on dinner. Just as I started making dinner which was some home made pizza I heard the front door close. I looked out the kitchen and saw it was just Jeremiah.
I put my finger towards my mouth to shh him and gestured to his younger brother sleeping on the couch and he nodded as he took his shoes off and walked into the kitchen and sat down.
"Hey, what's for dinner?" Jeremiah asked as I put the pizza in the oven.
"Homemade pizza is that alright?" I asked as I sat at the kitchen table.
"Yeah, that's fine, but what happened?" Jeremiah asked confused.
"What do you mean?" I asked confused.
"To your wrists? There are bruises on them." Jeremiah said.
"Nothing you need to worry about." I said just as I heard the door open.
"Papa-" Jeremiah said but I got up and shook my head letting him know it was the end of this discussion.
Just then Niall walked in the kitchen and grabbed a drink from the fridge and I heard a cry from the living room.
"Jeremiah can you get your brother and get him ready for dinner." I asked.
Jeremiah was about to question me but I gave him a stern look and he sighed and went to get Micah ready for dinner.
Niall walked past me and to the fridge to get a drink, of course it was a beer but I didn't feel like arguing. I simply made him a plate and put it on the table. I then made a plate for Jeremiah, mine and then lastly Micah's who I cut up in smaller pieces and set each plate down. I then got some orange juice for Micah in his cup and got some sprite for Jeremiah and a water for myself. Niall sat down and so did I. Just as I sat down Jeremiah came in with Micah who he set in his high chair and gave a bib.
Dinner was quiet, there wasn't a sound other than Micah playing with his food once in a while. Once everyone was done I went to grab the dishes, but Jeremiah stopped me.
"I got it. I'll put Micah to bed too." Jeremiah said and put the dishes in the sink and washed them. He then got Jeremiah out of his high chair and headed upstairs with him leaving Niall and I alone.
"Niall, about earlier." I started.
"I don't want to hear it." Niall said and began to walk away but I grabbed his sleeve, stopping him.
"Let go Harry." Niall said.
"No, we need to talk. Look I'm sorry. I'm sorry that Louis is spending time with his children. Just please talk to me. I don't want to argue." I pleaded.
"I'm not just angry at the fact that they are spending time with Louis! I'm angry because you told me last minute and also because you didn't tell me that Courtney was his daughter!" Niall shouted.
"Niall I'm sorry. He has a right to see his children though. I can't just take that away from him!" I shouted with tears. Niall turned to face me with an angry look on his face causing me to let go of his sleeve.
"If you really wanted to you could! But we know you won't! You can try all you want to make me forget about this, but honestly I don't think you can Harry." Niall said and then grabbed me by my shirt and slammed me against the wall. "The fact of it is Harry, even if you make me forget about this, you are married to me now, not Louis. Do you understand?" Niall said.
"Niall please, Micah and Jeremiah will-" I started to say and could feel tears in my eyes.
"I don't give a damn! I said do you you understand? You are my husband now, not Louis'." Niall said and grabbed my chin tightly while still having me up against the wall.
"Y-yes." I stuttered with a sniffle.
Niall then released me and kissed me on the lips like we weren't just arguing.
"Clean yourself up, say goodnight to the kids and I'll see you upstairs." Niall said and walked away.
I sighed when Niall headed upstairs and tried to calm down my breathing. Once I did I grabbed my phone out my pocket. I then clicked on a number thinking it was Courtney or Henry.
"Hello?" I heard Louis' voice say.
"L-Lou, I'm sorry I thought I d-dialed Courtney or Henrik." I stuttered. How could I be so stupid? Now Louis is going to think I don't trust him.
"Don't trust me with them?" Louis said with a chuckle so I knew he was joking.
"Of course I do I just wanted to s-say goodnight to them. S-sorry if that's corny." I said.
"No it's not. I'll go get them." Louis said and then I heard so shuffling.
"Here you go Harry. I'll talk to you later." Louis said and I said bye to him.

(Next chapter will be the rest of the conversation and some eavesdropping maybe from Louis or maybe it's Niall?)

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