Chapter 22

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Harry's POV
Once Courtney was upstairs I turned towards both the boys with a stern look. I glanced at Niall who just sat on the couch watching the football game (soccer game.) I sighed. I guess I was alone on this one.
"Now who wants to start?"
"This idiot has been stealing Courtney's medication!" Henry shouted.
"I wasn't stealing. I was borrowing." Jeremiah said.
"Oh please. You lied straight to my face when I asked if you knew about Courtney's medication and I saw you come from outside the school." Henry shouted.
"I needed money! I've been in a jam, sorry I was protecting myself." Jeremiah shouted.
"Yeah well you protecting yourself nearly caused our sister, oh sorry correction, my sister to go into a complete melt down." Henry said.
"She's my sister too!" Jeremiah shouted.
"Funny cause you don't act like it!" Henry shouted and Jeremiah went to tackle him but I got between them.
"Enough! Niall a little help here." I asked Niall.
"Let them fight it out. It builds character." Niall said as he continued to watch the game and Henry and Jeremiah continued to bicker.
I stomped over and grabbed the remote and shut the tv off.
"What the hell Harry?!" Niall shouted.
"For once! Could you help me parent instead of drinking! You're acting like a child more than a parent." I said annoyed.
"Give me the remote Harry." Niall said.
"No, why don't you shape up and actually parent for once!" I shouted. Niall then got up and slammed me against the wall causing both the boys to be silent.
"I said give me the damn remote. They'll fight it out or get it out of their system some way." Niall said and snatched the remote from me and turned the tv back on.
"Both of you upstairs. Jeremiah no tv, phone, no hanging out with friends. Straight to school and home for a month." I said.
"A month!" Jeremiah shouted.
"Want to make it two months?" I threatened. He shook his head and went upstairs.
"Papa." Henry started as he glanced at Niall and then myself. I shook my head and gave him a small smile and mouthed I'll be okay. Go check on your sister.
He then headed upstairs and I turned to Niall.
"You could have helped me." I said
"Harry please not now. Go make dinner and leave me be." Niall complained.
"Make it yourself!" I said and took his beer bottle and went to the kitchen and dumped it.
"Hey!" Niall shouted and I just walked past him as he grabbed my arm tightly.
"You do not speak to me like that!" Niall shouted and I pulled my arm away.
I then ran upstairs and slammed our bedroom door and locked it and cried.

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