Chapter 26

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Harry's POV
I headed upstairs and went to Niall and I's bedroom. I heard the shower running so I quickly grabbed my mini make up bag and ran out of the bedroom. I did not want to deal with arguing with Niall right now. Once I was downstairs I quickly went to the downstairs bathroom and put makeup on any visible bruises. I hope that Louis wouldn't notice and if he did, I hoped that he would leave it alone. Once I was done, I left the bathroom and saw Courtney waiting by the door.
"Are you ready?" I asked and she nodded. I grabbed the car keys and put Louis' address in the gps.
"Are you okay papa?" My daughter asked.
"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" I said.
"Well you and dad have been arguing, Micah is sick, and you're dropping me off at Louis' and I know it's a lot." Courtney said.
"I'll be okay. Don't you worry." I said.
"Are you sure? I mean I don't have to go to Louis' if its too much for you and Niall. I mean I don't want you guys to argue because of me." Courtney said.
"We'll be fine. I think this will be good for you and Louis. Now why don't we listen to some music to pass the time." I said turning on the radio and we both began singing to some of my songs.
Once we arrived at Louis's place. I grabbed Courtney's bag and she knocked.
We waited for a good 5 minutes and then Louis opened the door and I saw surprised to see a little boy in his arms.
"Is this a bad time?" I asked.
"No, no. I'm so sorry. Um come in." Louis said moving aside and let us in.
"Who's this?" I asked looking at the little two year old in his arms.
"Sorry, this is Freddie. My son." Louis said.
"Son?" Courtney and I asked confused.
"One night stand. The mom isn't really around. She kind of just handed Freddie off to me. My mom has been helping me." Louis said.
"It's okay. It's not my business." I said biting my lip.
"I'm gonna go put my stuff in my room." Courtney said.
"Okay princess." I said and gave her a hug and a kiss on her forehead.
Louis then set his son down in front of some toys.
Louis then came over to me and I began to back away until my back hit a wall. He touched my cheek and wiped it.
"Harry. What happened?" Louis asked and I could see concern and sadness in his eyes. He probably saw one of the bruises.
"It's nothing. Don't worry." I said with a small smile.
"This isn't nothing Harry. You don't deserve this." Louis said.
"I-I need to go." I said and began to walk away, but Louis grabbed my arm.
"Harry, please let me help." Louis begged.
"I'll be okay. I can handle it." I said.
"This isn't handling it. What happens if it goes too far?" Louis asked.
"It won't." I said.
"You don't know that!" Louis raised his voice and I flinched.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to shout. Harry I hate to admit it, but I still love you. Promise me that if it gets too out of hand you will get help." Louis asked.
"Louis I'll-"I started but he cut me off.
"Promise me." Louis said.
"I promise." I said but I don't know if I could keep that promise.
"Thank you. Please get home safe." Louis said and I don't know what came over me but I kissed his cheek.
"I will." I said and left. Once I got home I couldn't get out right away. I just cried for a little bit. Once I wiped my tears. I headed up to Henrik's room to see him and Micah sleeping. I then headed back downstairs and just decided to sleep on the couch. I didn't want to be by Niall. All I could honestly think about was Louis.

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