Chapter 10: Philip and Caleb's Love

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A/n: Another Brotherly Angst chapter.

Caleb's POV

Now that Catherine and I are officially together and almost everyone knows about it, we've gotten really comfortable with showing each other more affection, so hugs and kisses are frequent. At one point, Philip caught us together in the living room and didn't seem very happy, like he spied on us then walked away.

"Is everything alright?" Catherine asked.

"Yes, I just... I think I'll go see what Philip's doing," I replied. "I'll be right back."

"Take your time," Catherine said, sweetly.

I beamed at her and headed towards the stairs and stepped up quietly. I walked into Philip's room. "Philip, can we talk?"

He didn't even look at me, he just stared at the desk.

"I can tell you're... upset or mad and that's probably why you're so distant. It upsets me and before this situation escalates, before we lose each other's last family, I reckon we should have a talk about this. So...Tell me, what's on your mind?"

Instead of answering me, Philip turned his back to me. He refused to speak to me, but I wasn't leaving until he talked to me. "Philip, could you stop with this childish behavior? Ignoring me isn't getting you -getting us- anywhere! I want to settle this like the adults that we are! Instead of acting like a pouty, grumpy, five year old child, how about you open your mouth and talk?" I suggested getting angrier.

"Act your age for God's sake!" I shouted.

Philip turned around fuming. "Don't you, out of all people, dare utter the Lord's name through your lips! Not after you've used those same lips to kiss this- this-"

I knew Philip was talking about Catherine. But I wasn't standing him talking about my now girlfriend that way. "This what?"

"This wicked sprout from hell!" Philip broke. "You want to talk? You want to know why I'm upset? I'm sorry, am I supposed to frolic through flowers over the fact that my brother is betraying everything we believe in, betraying the village, humanity, Me?"

"I don't know what kind of spell that witch put on you, but you're not who you were anymore! You've changed!" Philip yelled.

"No, at the core I'm still the same," I reasoned. 

"Don't make me laugh!" Philip scoffed. "If you were the same, we wouldn't be here with our 'differences.' I've told you this multiple times already, it's getting tiresome, but I'll do it again!" Philip got up in my face. "You are a witch hunter! H-U-N-T-E-R understood? Or should I spell it out even slower, or write it down for you to finally get it into your brain?"

"No, instead he kisses her! Courts her!"

I sighed. "Philip, listen, I know you. I've watched you grow and I sort of raised you. I know how fanatic and almost obsessed you can become with a topic, how ambitious you will be when you get what you want, how stubborn you can be."

"And I'm not okay with your treating Catherine that way! I don't expect you to like her, even if I am courting her. But your attitude is lower than dirt toward her and I very much dislike it!" I added, ticked off. Philip crossed his arms and turned away from me. "I wish only the best for you and if only you'd accept the Clawthornes' invites and hospitality, if you'd get to know them and this world better with an open mind, I'm sure you'd enjoy it."

"I wish you could see these things through my eyes," I explained.

"I don't want to see things through your eyes!" Philip snapped. "I know better than to be around those witches more than I already need to be."

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