Chapter 34: Stay Alive? (After the Fight Pt 2 of 3)

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A/n: Another sad chapter ahead. Triggers for blood. Hope you enjoy reading!!!

Caleb's POV

Catherine's head went limp from crying for a few moments. I understood her pain as though it were my own. Our hearts beat as one, the last moments it ever would. My hand had gone numb at this point from her squeezing it too much, not that I really cared. My body was strained into place and the dark red river flowed easily out my abdomen. My painted hand had stained my shirt and pants, her beautiful dress, and her darling face.

We both were in tears, knowing that this was goodbye, even though we hated it to our very cores. Catherine's face rose in a raging fury. Her eyebrows were furrowed deeply, her nose was scrunched, and her lips in a scowl.

"I swear, if I ever get my hands on him-" Catherine growled.

"D-Don't hurt him. Please," I begged.

Catherine's red face turned from anger to confusion, "What?!"

"I'm not asking you to forgive him, I know that you won't," I explained. "I'm asking you not to get revenge in my name. He doesn't have the portal, and he doesn't know where it is. As long as that case is safe and far from his reach, the Isles will remain safe."

My blurry vision looked into her dazzling ocean eyes. Tears rained down her old rosy cheeks covered in my blood. I continued, "You must stay away from him! You were his actual goal! If you go seeking vengeance, you might run right into his arms-"

My stomach seized and my throat felt dry. I coughed and heaved, blood draining from the corners of my mouth, "-or knife rather."

"Caleb-" Catherine pleaded.

I raised my hand to her stomach. Our baby was in there. Our little creation was right there, and I could feel them kicking against the fabric of her feathered and furry dress. They were my pride and joy and I was over exhilarated that our love created them, yet I somehow accepted that I wasn't going to be able to see them.

"You have more important things to tend to soon, my Love," I reminded Catherine. "Our child needs you. Just... please, whatever you do... Stay away from Philip! Both, you and the babe."

Catherine raised my cuffed hand in hers, to her cheek. She was savoring the touches and sweet caresses. "In about fifty or sixty years, he won't be around anymore- We humans don't live very long, you know."

Catherine's face shook in my grasp and she tried to bury it there. Her sobs became more prevalent by the minute. I could tell the emotional distress I had put her through. I don't regret meeting her, or those clumsy moments when I got hurt and she healed me, or the magical flights, or stolen kisses, or our wedding, or any special moment of her time I spent together with her. I do regret bringing Philip and his close-minded beliefs along with me.

"Alright?" I asked Catherine.

She squeezed my hand more and nodded into it, "Mhm."

"Secondly, I ask of you... if I may?" I request.

"Anything. Whatever it is," Catherine agreed.

"Stay Alive. Keep living, have our child and raise them. Be the greatest mother I know you will be and..." I paused, feeling a tight squeeze of pain. "Let them know their Papa loved them so much."

With my opened eyes I began to dream, dream of everything I would miss out and want to do with our child. "Don't ever let our baby think I didn't want them or didn't love them."

"Always remind them how much I was looking forward to meeting them," Catherine would've just finished giving birth, our babe wailing and screaming. Their arms are failing about as the healers do a mandatory check-up on them. Before I know it, they'd be swaddled in a soft blanket around their fragile body, now cradled in my arms. I'd be sobbing from being so proud of Catherine and so happy that everyone was healthy, yet all I can say is a weak 'Hi there...'

"Holding them in my arms, staying up all night after night, just for them." In the middle of the night, we'd both wake up to a soft cry. Catherine being too tired to get out of bed just groaned. I chuckle, kissing her forehead before smiling and going to pick up the baby from their hand-crafted cradle I made them. I'd change them and give them a bottle, reading some nursery rhymes I remembered from my childhood. Our baby falling straight to sleep again with a goofy look on their adorable, tiny, face.

"How much I would've loved to tell stories they doze off to, and play the silliest of games with them, and teach them everything I know. Tell them how much I would've loved to see my baby grow day by day." At one point our child couldn't even speak, next thing you know they'd be stumbling around the house, following us. I could pick them up, them squealing as I twirl them, smiling and giggling. Catherine would be laughing with us as we teach them Hexes Hold'em or a less dangerous version of Grudgby. I could teach them to carve their Palisman or Catherine could teach them magic if they have that ability!

"Can you do that, My Darling?" I asked.

"Of course, My Love! You don't have to ask for that!" Catherine agreed with a light chuckle.

"And... One last thing..." I stumbled out.

"Shh, save your strength," Catherine encouraged.

"My beloved, darling wife. My heart, my love, my dearest Kitty. Never forget how much you mean to me. How much I Love You." I requested.

"What are you-" Catherine inquired.

I interrupted as I began to take off my wedding band, "it's not really useful to me now anymore, but it could be more to you." I knew I was on Death's row, so she needed something. "If you and the babe should ever be in a situation of need... I'm sure you'll find a customer."

She looked down at the stained band, fright and realization on her face. She knew this was the beginning of the end for me. I have accepted that fate, although I'm going to miss everything, I'm ready.

"You're out of your mind if you think I'll even sell an eyelash of you!" Catherine countered. I caressed her cheek, covered in my caked blood. I tried to brush loose wipsy strands out of her face, trying to get one last look. I felt myself slipping away.

"Love, even if you don't sell it, keep it as something physical to remember me by. And to remember our love by." I suggested.

"Caleb..." Catherine pleaded. I know she was asking for me to stay. For me to be alive again. For me to be there with her. But I couldn't pull the strength. I had lost too much blood, and the crimson had destroyed both our clothing. My arm struggled to stay attached to her face and my body struggled to stay firm. Catherine held me close to her.

I heard the fluttering of wings, her Palisman, Opal the ever-so-loyal Dove, was floating by her side. And so, I began the final goodbye.

""Thank you for making my life better, Kitty. And for everything else. I shall hope to hold you in my arms again in a better world after mortal life. Take good care of her until then, Opal."

"Sweetheart..." Catherine sobbed.

"Shhh, Love. It'll be alright. Don't cry."

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