Chapter 22: An Egg has Entered the Nest

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A/n: The title is a metaphor. Also, Mr. Clawthorne really likes to squeeze his son-in-law to death a lot. XD Also, stop reading at night, y'all need to SLEEP!!!

Catherine's POV

Over the next few weeks, after seeing Ahana, I haven't been feeling well. Especially sick in the mornings. Caleb has been a little overprotective of me during those times, being a dear and holding back my hair. I have also been a lot more hungry than usual, which Caleb had also noticed. He was starting to get even more worried, so he set up an appointment with one of the members of the Healing Coven.

"Well... all tests are concluded," The healer replied.

"And?" I asked.

"You're not exactly sick, but treatment for what you have will take about nine months," The Healer said.

"Nine Months?! What do you mean?" I inquired, frantic.

"Congratulations to you and your Husband," The Healer clapped. "An egg has entered your family's nest!"

I gasped in delight knowing what the healer was implying. "Really?"

"Indeed, Mrs. Clawthorne," The healer said. After talking over some more things with dos and don'ts, I headed back home excited to tell Caleb the big news. We were finally going to be parents!

I came through the door and toned my level ten giddiness to a one so I didn't look suspicious. I entered into Caleb's office noticing he was hard at work making something again. "What are you carving?" I crept closer to his face from behind.

"Oh, nothing," Caleb replied. "Just the most radiant witch on the Boiling Isles. I just refer to her as my Wife."

His face turned and kissed my cheek. Caleb asked, "How was your meeting with the Healers? Were they able to say what you have?"

"Good, good, yeah. They did figure out what's the matter with me."

"And?" Caleb pressed on.

"Unfortunately, there's no way to heal it. I can only numb the symptoms down. It will get better after some time though," I admitted.

"Specify 'some time' please," Caleb requested. "How long is that precisely?"

"Quite a few months, almost a year," I tried to hint to him.

"A Year?!" Caleb said, astounded.

"Roundabout," I said. "Turns out there's this odd aftereffect that tends to happen when two people decide to Love and Create a life."

Caleb's eyes lit up at the sudden realization, "Wait are you- are you saying--?"

I grabbed both his hands and squeezed them tight before putting my hands around my stomach where my belly will soon stick out, "Congratulations, Mr. Clawthorne. You're going to be a father. Or- well, you... already are but you get the idea."

"But, how long before already?" Caleb asked.

"It's still very early in the pregnancy, merely a month. Almost two," I stated.

Caleb looked down, his smile still shining. "Me... A father... I-"

Caleb then picked me up and spun me around, "Oh Kitty! A Baby! Us! We're having a baby!"

"Careful, Sweetheart," I reminded.

"This is wonderful! You're wonderful! I-I need wood!" Caleb shouted.

"That's an odd thing to say to your pregnant wife," I remarked. "Whatever do you need wood for now?"

"The baby needs a crib! And toys! Oh, I'll carve their name on them!" Caleb sounded scatterbrained. "Or perhaps not- What if siblings follow and they'll use the crib and toys too?"

"Caleb, sweetheart. It's still going to be a while until the baby is born," I reminded Caleb. "I barely have a belly as of right now."

"The sooner I start, the better!" Caleb kissed my cheek again. Caleb held me close and smiled. Tears in both our eyes from the extraordinary news. Our Palismen must've heard Caleb's shouting because Opal and Flapjack came flying into the Office with joyful chirps and nuzzled both our cheeks.

Things just couldn't get any better than this.


Caleb's POV

After a few weeks, Catherine had set up a date to meet her Parents and we were getting ready in the bathroom. I was shaving off any extra hair and Catherine was putting on a nice necklace. "You are aware we'll have to break the news to them, right?" Catherine mentioned.

"Tonight?" I asked worriedly.

"No, we'll let them know after I've given birth," Catherine answered, sarcastically. "Yes, tonight!"

I shuddered, "I don't think my rib cage will survive your father's embrace once we say we're expecting."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of your rib cage if it breaks," Catherine reassured. "I've always been healing your injuries, after all. I'm just not sure how we'll tell them," Catherine brought up.

"Directly, maybe?" I suggested.

"What, just go in and say 'Oh Mama and Papa, I'm pregnant!' I can't do that," Catherine said.

"Why make a mystery out of it?" I asked. "We've already done that with our engagement and I'm pretty sure your parents already knew we were engaged the moment you said we had something to tell them. Your parents aren't idiots."

"I'm not saying they are," Catherine reminded.

I grabbed Catherine's hands and squeezed them a little bit to let her know that 'it's okay.' "Kitty, let's just tell them directly how it is. No puzzled phases or surprises. Just telling them when the time is right Tonight. Sounds good?"

"Yeah. Yeah, you're right," Catherine smiled.

When we got there, we tried to put on our best faces to not put out any suspiciousness. After dinner and a long conversation about Andrew's newest works, Catherine finally had a moment of silence to tell her parents.

"So... to put it short," Catherine paused. "I'm with child!"

Catherine's Parents' faces turned dumbfounded in a search for words. "You are- What?"

"You... You are..."

"Pregnant!" Catherine finished for them. "Caleb and I are having a baby!" Caleb and I smiled at each other, both of us close with our Palismen friends by our sides.

"That means..." Silvia started.

"Grandchildren!!!!" Andrew finished.

"Oh, what absolute splendid news!" Catherine's mom exclaimed, hugging her husband.

Catherine's dad hugged her and kissed her forehead, "My little dove."

Andrew made his way over to me before swallowing me in a bear hug, "Caleb, son..."

"Sir- My lungs- Can't breathe-" I squeaked out.

"Andrew! Let the poor boy go! You're suffocating him!" Silvia yelped.

"I'm just so happy! And proud!" Catherine's dad sniffled.

Catherine strolled over to us, "I'd still prefer it if you didn't suffocate my husband and Father to my child, Papa. I kind of still need him in the future. Especially if you want to see more than one grandchild."

What would I do without Catherine?

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