01 - Where's Hope? And Lizzie.

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Alaric Saltzman has just woken from his coma, coincidentally the same day Lizzie, his daughter, has returned to the Salvatore School

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Alaric Saltzman has just woken from his coma, coincidentally the same day Lizzie, his daughter, has returned to the Salvatore School. She sees her father and all she feels is regret. Everything that she has done in the past few weeks was because she thought he was dead. But he wasn't. She walks up to her father, giving him the biggest hug ever. "Dad!" she shouted in his ears.

"Elizabeth?" He questioned, in shock of seeing his daughter so soon. "Oh, how I missed you! Come inside!" he invited her in. "Now wait here I'll be back."

Not listening, Lizzie followed. What has she missed while being gone? Well let's say she was surprised. In the middle of the room her father entered, Hope stood on what looked like a giant dnd campaign. To Hope's left on the end of the board was her, Lizzie. The right had Aurora and in the middle was Jen and the father of gods, Ken. Alaric went up to Vardemus and Wade who were doing some type of calculations at a table to the left of the board.

Lizzie, having no clue as to what was going on, barged through the doors. "Lizzie! I told you to wait!" her father shouted.

Hope turned toward him in the blink of an eye, "You knew she was here?" Hope was pushed off her feet as Lizzie began chanting. In her left hand was a paper written in a foreign language and in her right hand was a knife she was siphoning from. "What the h-," A gust of white light began to emerge from the knife blinding everyone. An atomic white blast engulfed Lizzie and Hope and when it was gone, so we're they.

"What just happened in here?" the squad came running in confused. Papers and debris flying through the air. "Where's Hope?" Kaleb questioned. "And Lizzie," Vardemus added, confusing the students even more. Cleo tilted her head towards Vardemus then to Dr. Saltzman.

"Cleo, I want witches in here asap. Figure out what kind of spell just happened! And where the hell they went!" He demanded stressfully. He had just lost his daughter again. Only 5 minutes after reuniting with her.


To clear some things up, this takes place around 4x14 :D. Hope this is enjoyed! Comment any ideas.

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