28 - Clash

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Lizzie sighed

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Lizzie sighed. She'd been sitting in the diner all day, debating whether to find Aurora or talk to Hope first. Really, she just wasted time trying to decide. The arguing thoughts faded as a different, unwilling, thought filled her mind. Hunger.

The heretic hasn't fed since the morning, and that was just a blood bag. The last one she had from the hospital she stopped by. Now, the only blood source... was the waitress who'd been working so hard all day, all on her own, to serve every customer in this place.  Lizzie felt guilty thinking about feeding on her.

She got up, and walked to the back, where the waitress followed. "You okay, miss? No one's supposed to be back here." She was drying a bowl clean with a cloth.

Lizzie turned around to look at the lady, "I'm sorry, but I'm just really, really hungry."

"11 key lime pies throughout the day not enough?" She chuckled. The waitress set the bowl down on the dish rack beside the sink.

Lizzie walked over to her. She stood still, looking in the waitress's eyes, "This isn't gonna hurt. You're not gonna move or make a sound." Lizzie finished, then slowly bit into the lady's neck. The blood from her veins felt much more refreshing than a cold blood bag. Lizzie didn't want to stop. She needed much more than she realized.

The heretic pushed her meal against the wall and closed her eyes. Something told her to stop, but she just told herself, 'A little more.' Once the flow of blood from the women's neck to Lizzie's mouth became too slow, Lizzie pulled away. "Oh my god, are you okay?" Lizzie put her hand on the waitress's arms. Her eyes went wide, freaking she took too much.

"Just a little lightheaded," The waitress responded. "Nothing a good night's of sleep won't fix," she smiled.

Lizzie sighed with relief, "Forget this ever happened and keep that bandaged up. Just tell people you got stitches there." The heretic compelled. She wasn't sure what a good cover story was for the bite. She could just heal her— but then she could die— and become a vampire...

Lizzie cleaned up her mouth, then she walked back to the front. The heretic pulled out her phone, and called a number. It just seemed like she knew it.

The phone rang until, finally, someone answered. "I'm glad you're alive, Elizabeth. I've been waiting to here from you," Lizzie froze. She could sense Auroras smirk through the phone.

"You killed me!" Lizzie shouted into the speaker of the phone. She continued walking again to her car.

"You wanted to die. And if I am correct, Hope believes you to be dead." Aurora added keenly. "I knew you would come back Elizabeth, and I know you enjoy the perks of being a heretic."

Lizzie stayed quiet. She opened the door to her car, and sat down inside. Aurora continued, "I assume you're calling for the deal I offered you before?"

"Actually, I just thought I'd put in some random numbers. Hear a strangers voice," Lizzie said sarcastically. "Random people can be pretty therapeutic, actually." The blonde sighed, "I'm sure you can imagine my disappointment to hear your voice."

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