14 - We Left Without Saying Goodbye

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"6 hours is a long drive," Hope remarked

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"6 hours is a long drive," Hope remarked.

"Yes, it is," Lizzie replied as the stepped out of the car. She opened the door to Jen's workshop. It was... empty...

Lizzie was speechless. She looked around for anything that Jen may have left behind, but there was nothing. Not one thing.

"Seems you scared her off."

"I didn't scare he off," the heretic groaned.

The two stood silent for a few minutes while Lizzie thought. "Well, we have no luck finding Jen. So we may as well go back to the school."

"Suddenly you trust the spell?" Hope snarked.

"No, but we're not gonna find Jen. A locator spell won't even work."

"Fine by me. I'm ready to get back to our present. It's really annoying having to be so careful."

"Now that, I can agree with," Lizzie and Hope walked out of the former workshop, and they were already on their way back to Mystic Falls.


After such a long day, Hope wolfed out. The only thing that brought her relief was the calming breeze of the night. She'd wished that she could stay a wolf all night but unfortunately there was another party at the old mill. One Alaric shockingly hasn't found out about yet.

Hope walked back to her dorm. She was one of the few people who didn't go to the party. As per usual. Only reason Lizzie hadn't gone is because of everything that happened today.

The were-witch turned on the light to see someone in the back corner by the window. "Oh my god!" she jumped. "Can anyone stop scaring me today-?" she took a breather. "What are you even doing here...?" The person in the corner was, of course, her.

"Figured I'd stop by before we left."

"And there's no better way to stop by than standing in a corner, and waiting to scare me?" Y/Hope paused. "Wait a minute- you guys found a way back—?"

"Well, it's not guaranteed seems Lizzie's previous plan ran off," the tribrid rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, because it's all 'Lizzie's fault,' she mocked.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You don't give her the credit she deserves. I've seen the two of you. Lizzie has your back even after what you did. Even my Lizzie has my back after she found out."

"What? You told her?"

"No. But maybe I would have if I knew she'd have my back the entire time. She had one of those visions."

"Lizzie didn't care to share," T/Hope mumbled. "Welp, I guess that means we're due for a 'vision,'"

"Would you have shared? Probably not. Just don't hate her so much."

"You forget she tried to kill me."

"Then you killed her."

"Yeah, and then she tried to kill me, again," the tribrid missed that part the first time they spoke. "The only thing that stopped her from pushing the red oak just a few more inches was a sire bond."

"She's sired to you? How-?"

"Not so sure on how she was, but she isn't anymore.," the tribrid rolled her eyes, and made sure to add, "Which has been very inconvenient."

"Whatever. Just go. Go back to your time which I'm sure will be a disappointment because it will be different."

"Indeed it will..." she was gone in the blink of an eye. The younger Hope sighed. Out of all the things she's been through, what could be so bad to make her into that? She hated the weird sense of comfort she got from it.


Hope walked into the cafeteria, where they were right when they left. "You know, apparently your younger self is pretty defensive over me."

"I find that hard to believe. This is the peek of when I hated you."

"Well, maybe it's because you seem quite happy. With becoming a heretic that is," Hope smirked.

Lizzie avoided responding. Hope's not wrong, she's very happy that she's a heretic, but she can't give any satisfaction to Hope. "Let's just get this over with?"

"You sure you don't wanna see your younger self? Let her know that we'll be gone?"

"I didn't even want them to know we were here in the first place. Besides, I'm sure once I'm wondering, you'll be there to tell me that we left without saying goodbye."

Lizzie's hand glowed orange as she siphoned the knife. Hope cut in, "Make sure not to throw us across the room."

"No promises," Lizzie chucked then began chanting. The words were slightly different than before, hopefully correct this time.

"Wait!" The immature Lizzie ran inside. It didn't stop the heretic from doing the spell. H/Lizzie's words grew louder until they were being engulfed by a white light.

Next thing the young Lizzie knew was that they were gone. Alaric walked in after hearing the loud noise. Lizzie mumbled, "I still had one more thing to ask..."


815 words
3 pages

I apologize for the shorter chapter, but I couldn't really merge this moment with another chapter Yk? Have a good day or night :D.

Written 10/13/2022
Published 10/16/2022

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