33 - The.. Future?

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Lizzie was looking around the cafeteria, all the students looking at her with the same confusion as her... She and Mg both. Hope had already vamped out.. Lizzie's mind felt flooded, like she had just woken up from a lucid dream. She could remember everything.. so many things. Things she shouldn't remember? And she stands before the students in this cafeteria who she's never seen before. The cafeteria itself looking older—more worn down than she recalled. The tables aligned differently as well. The window panes had intricate designs on them and they were tinted a faint yellow-orange. Most certainly not the same as she remembered them. Not from when she stood in this room—when she brought on the trip to the past with Hope—nor in any of her memories of what she picked up as a mind boggling term of, 'other timelines?' And she remembered memories from both. She had yet to actually find out if anything they had just done worked. Mg was still here—he shouldn't be—and everything was different. It didn't seem to have worked...

A few students who had rushed out of the cafeteria came back with someone. Mrs. Sowande. Cleo. The witch had come in a slight jog, very concerned, but she slowed down in complete bewilderment to see a face she didn't think she'd ever see again... Next to that person...Mg, and it confused her—because the vampire was—.

Mg had run into the cafeteria with Cleo. His facial hair gave him the appearance of a more matured man. His eyes widened and he stopped next to Cleo, as he looked with complete surprise as well. Him—and Lizzie...

The two people standing at the center of the attention, they looked back at Cleo and Mg. Cleo had longer hair, and Mg had a beard.. It was short, but it was filled out and completely covered his chin, and the hair went up to his ears. The bearded Mg walked over to them, furrowing his eyebrows, he didn't know where to start. He looked back at Cleo, then his eyes met Lizzie's, "How...? Is it really you?"

Lizzie looked confused... she looked to her side at Mg, her Mg? The Mg that came with her and Hope. How can there be two Mgs... "It's me, Mg." Lizzie said slowly. The students in the cafeteria were more confused than ever to see two of Mr. Greasley, and the fact that he knows who the girl is. Mg said nothing more, he just pulled Lizzie to a hug, something that was very much needed.

Liz, and a few other students, turned to Mrs. Sowande for answers. Liz questioned, "Who is she—?"

Cleo stood still, staring at Lizzie and Mg, hugging for so long. It couldn't be described how much he missed her. Whatever this miracle is, he is the most grateful, behind Josie and her mother when they find out. Cleo continued looking at Lizzie, as she answered the student, "That is Elizabeth. Elizabeth Saltzman..."

Lan walked up to his sister Liz, he looked at her. She looked at Mrs. Sowande in disbelief. She was named after Elizabeth. Her aunt. Lizzie. Just as he was named after Landon Kirby... He looked up at Mrs. Sowande, who was shedding tears of joy. She finally walked over to Lizzie and Mg. Mg backed up so Cleo can hug Lizzie as well. Mg asked, looking at himself, "And.. who are you-? Why do you-?"

"It's you, Mg." Lizzie answered, pulling out of the hug with Cleo. "A long, very long story..." Mg looked at her in confusion, so did Cleo. His other-self smiled iconically, a smile all to well known as his.

"And Hope...?" Mg asked Lizzie quietly, though the vampires and werewolves would hear him anyway.

"She—she left the moment we ended up here," Lizzie responded, as she looked around, not really knowing if 'here' is the correct 'here' she wanted to be in.

"So she's here as well?" Cleo asked for assurance, which was given by Lizzie's nod. The witch asked in a voice of question, a question she wasn't sure she'd be happy to know the answer to... "And Hope, is her...?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19 ⏰

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