15 - We're Back. Sort of?

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Lizzie Saltzman"Excuse me, Ma'am? You need to pay," a women waved

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Lizzie Saltzman

"Excuse me, Ma'am? You need to pay," a women waved.

Lizzie's eyes fluttered. She was confused. "Where am I-?" Lizzie jumped out of her seat, "How the hell did I get here?"

"You're at a bar sweetie, and you walked through the front door," the bartender pointed to the front, "Just like everybody else."

Lizzie continued to be puzzled, "In Mystic Falls?"

"Had too much to drink? Hmm?"

"No? Seriously, where the hell am I?!"

"Lady calm down," the women walked to Lizzie from behind the bar. "Are you okay?"

"No, I'm not," Lizzie bolted for the doors. She stood on the busiest and most lit up street she'd ever seen. "This isn't Mystic Falls..."

"No idea where this 'Mystic Falls' is, but lady, this is LA."

Lizzie turned back and looked her into the eye, "What?! You're lying? Please tell me this is a joke?"

"I don't know where the hell your mind went, but it's no joke."

Lizzie searched her pockets frantically, "I need a phone..."

"Here," the women held a phone in her hand, gesturing for Lizzie to use it.

"Thank you so much" Lizzie found her phone, "But uhh, I found mine." The blonde smiled. "What's your name?"

"It's Leah," the curly haired girl chuckled, and looked down at her name tag. She grabbed it, "These things surely don't work."

"Seems so." Lizzie looked back at her phone. Of course, a passcode which she guessed incorrectly.

Leah noticed Lizzie's frustration, "Maybe try face-ID?"

Lizzie looked into the phone in every position possible until it worked. "Thanks again." She scrolled through her contacts; Hope was at the very top. In fact, in her recent calls, she apparently called Hope that morning.

Lizzie brought the phone to her ear as it rang to Hope. There was no answer, but Lizzie wasn't surprised seems Hope is probably in the same situation as her right now.

Lizzie tried calling her father next, unfortunately no answer. All she heard was his voicemail, "Probably dealing with some supernatural crisis right now. Call me later." Then she tried Josie, "Sorry, call me later. Unless you're Lizzie, then I don't want to talk to you."

"What—?" Lizzie's face dropped. She tried Josie one more time. Maybe- maybe it was a joke? Maybe Josie got mad at her over some stupid thing that she'd done and just left that for when she doesn't answer?

Because Josie wouldn't answer, Lizzie left tons of voicemails, and tried Mg. If anyone would answer it'd be him-, "Hello?" His voice gave Lizzie a sense of relief.

"Mg!" Lizzie shouted into the phone.

"Ahh! I got you, didn't I? Sorry, but I'm actually not at the phone right now. Call-," Lizzie threw the phone. Leah grabbed it on the ground, surprisingly not broken, while Lizzie cried.

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