32 - Epilogue... or is it?

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(A jump to when they meet with Kronos because it all happens roughly the same but with Mg and without others knowing they're there.)

"So the great 'God of Time' resides in Nee York?" Hope said as they drove past the city limits welcoming them to New York City. "How sure are you that Jen isn't lying?"

"Well, the fact that I'm here should be reassuring," Mg leaned forward from the middle back seat. "This would have been how you guys got back before. Jen must of been right."

"Exactly. Plus, this is where I found him before." Lizzie raised a shoulder. "Now," she took her eyes off the road and looked at Hope, "Do I need to set some ground rules or?"

"Rules? Really? I can compel you," Hope laughed. She shook her head, "Why would I follow your rules?"

"Maybe because feeding isn't exactly how you keep a low profile," Lizzie raised her eyebrows. "And we're a bit stuck in the past right now."

"Yeah, which can have very dangerous effects," Mg exaggerated. "If you feed on someone now, the consequences for later could be horrendous." The vampire looked out the windows, viewing New York, "I mean just being here," he gestured with his hands, "Who knows what we may have already changed. I mean what if someone takes a picture and we're in the background? Someone we know could see that— we could see it, and—."

Lizzie cut the vampire off, "Okay, I think you're being a little over exaggerative, Mg. We get it," She nodded. The heretic remarked with annoyance, "For such a compact city, I can't understand why some people refuse to just walk. These streets are annoyingly packed!"

"Doesn't matter," Lizzie sighed and collected herself, "because we're here." The car in front of them slowly drove further away, making a space just large enough for Lizzie to pull onto the side of the street, and illegally park. There's no legal parking nearby that isn't being used so oh well.

Lizzie, Hope, and Mg stepped out of the car and walked into a bar which was on the first floor of a massive clock tower. Someone behind the bar poured three glasses of bourbon. He raised one, "What a well-predicted surprise." He turned around to glare at his guests, and pushed out two drinks, "Elizabeth Saltzman—and Hope Mikaelson." He looked at the person standing to Lizzie's right, "And you... are?" He furrowed his eyebrows, then it came to him, "The actual surprise. Milton Greasley." He turned around and poured another glass, then slid it into Mg's hand, "Apologies, mate, but I wasn't very sure you'd be here."

"So no need for introductions then," Lizzie grabbed her glass and leaned over the bar counter. She nodded as she said quietly, "I believe this conversation requires more privacy."

"That it does indeed," Kronos gestured to a doorway behind the bar. "It is a very interesting predicament to have you here, Milton." Mg looked with confusion. Why was the God of Time able to predict Lizzie and Hope being here but not so easily do the same with him?

"Let's cut the chit-chat, Kronos." Lizzie crossed her arms as she followed him to the back. "Just hurry up and give me the right spell to get us back."

"And when you say us, I assume that includes Milton Greasley?" Kronos pointed at the vampire.

Mg furrowed his eyebrows and questioned, "Obviosuly I'm important to you. So why is that?" He bobbed his head, telling Kronos he finished his question and needed an answer.

"Oh I'm very sure that you already know why you're important." Kronos answered vaguely. He finished his bourbon, "But if you're too unable to put two and two together, let me do it for you." He walked up to Mg, "You being here means I've already experienced this scenario in another way I predicted it. It means," he turned his back away from Mg, then pointed at Lizzie and Hope, "It means that you two, stubborn as you are, didn't let what I warned you both about happen. The warnings of which I only gave because you must have interacted with your younger selves. But obviously, you two went back again, with Milton, and made sure you wouldn't do that. I must be correct," the time god nodded with a smirk on his face.

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