31 - Round 2

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Mg groaned as he got up. He dusted the leaves and dirt off of his sweatpants and looked around. Hope and Lizzie were still knocked out. Mg squinted his eyes. He was just faced with the brightest light he had ever seen, and yet, the sun somehow seemed brighter.

Mg knelt down to Lizzie, "Lizzie?" He looked at Hope, "Hope?"

Hope gasped when she woke up, causing Mg to jump back. "Did it work?" The tribrid pushed herself up. Once she was standing, she looked around. "These woods are just off Wickery bridge."

"Yep, it worked, then." Lizzie assured. She got up, and she and Mg walked over to Hope. The three walked up to the road, and to the left of their view was Wickery bridge. "Let's go. Assuming we've been knocked out for a while, we don't have much time." She began walking along the side of the street, in the direction of the school, then vamped out of sight.

Hope and Mg exchanged looks, then vamped towards the school as well.

Lizzie, Hope, and Mg, stopped by the window into the Cafeteria. It wasn't shattered into bits yet. "Look," Lizzie stepped closer to the window, "We're just in time. That's the exact light Hope and I saw before we ended up here."

Mg vamped Lizzie away from the window before Hope's other self could go flying threw it. It all happened so fast.

"Oh my god," Hope backed away.

"Invisique," Lizzie brought her hand up, making them and her and Hope's other selves invisible before the past Mg could walk in to find her. "I gotta say, you were always quick on the case, Mg." The heretic raised her eyebrows as they all looked to see a confused Mg inside. He was clearly puzzled by the damage of the stairs and the window.

"Well, a hero's entrance and all," Mg smiled proud-fully.

"Bring yourself to the old mill, Hope." Lizzie looked down at the unconscious humanity-less Hope. "I will distract the confused Mg, and Mg," she looked at the vampire, "you can bring my other self to the old mill as well."

"Wait—, your hair. I noticed something was off with it. That's the whole reason we put the possibility of it being a prank behind us," Mg stopped Lizzie from going inside. "I'm gonna notice."

The heretic snapped her fingers, and her hair became a lighter blonde, just the way he remembered it was that day. "Illusion spell should do the trick." Lizzie added, "Now other me is gonna wake up any second now, and my dad's gonna be in here any minute, so let's hurry up."

"Right," Mg nodded. He vamped to the heretic Lizzie and Hope vamped away with her other self to the old mill. Mg dusted off the debris from the unconscious Lizzie. He tilted his head, "I'm shocked that I never thought about how you had not even a scratch after being thrown into these stairs."

Lizzie made herself visible for the younger Mg to see her as she came from the other entrance to the cafeteria. "What the hell happened here?" She asked as if she was clueless.

Lizzie's other self began waking up. She fluttered her eyes, then squinted them, "Mg?" She looked to her right, "Two Mg's?"

"Yeah," Mg cleared his throat and pulled Lizzie up, "I'll explain everything later." He vamped them out of the cafeteria, through the shattered window, and to the old mill.

"I don't know," Mg walked around the debris from the stairs, "I just heard a really loud noise. Kaleb said it was probably witches blowing stuff up, but I wanted to check it out to be sure." He looked at the stairs, "I see the blowing stuff up part was probably true."

"Well, what ever it was, I don't wanna be caught here at the scene of the crime, so let's go," Lizzie grabbed MG's arm, and pulled him away. As soon as they left the cafeteria, her father walked inside. Perfect timing.

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