03 - What The Hell Kind Of Prank Is This?!

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Y/Hope = Young Hope     T/Hope = Tribrid Hope     Y/Lizzie = Young LizzieH/Lizzie = Heretic Lizzie

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Y/Hope = Young Hope    
T/Hope = Tribrid Hope    
Y/Lizzie = Young Lizzie
H/Lizzie = Heretic Lizzie


The four froze in long, hardly bearable silence.
T/Hope looked back at H/Lizzie, "What the hell is this?!"

"I don't know!" H/Lizzie yelled, still staring at her, —herself.

"Why are you posing as us?" Y/Lizzie asked, "Just saying, no one can portray me better, than well, me," she continued.

"Who said I was portraying you?" H/Lizzie snarked. She really was something back then.

"Well, your appearances argue against that," The younger, auburn hair girl pointed out.

The blonde had nothing. She couldn't exactly say, 'I'm Lizzie.' If they have really encountered themselves but younger, who knows what may have already been changed in their present time.

Y/Lizzie walked over to her older self, beginning to siphon her. If they were using a spell to disguise themselves, they'd surely be revealed. To her surprise, nothing noticeable was happening. In fact, H/Lizzie's hands began greying, —desiccating. "Stop!" Lizzie snapped ripping her younger self's arm off of her, before they could see the desiccation, "I'm not posing as you." H/Lizzie grabbed Y/Hope's arm. She began siphoning her.

"What the-," Y/Hope felt her magic draining.

"I can explain," Lizzie released her grip.

"Yeah, Josie. What the hell kind of prank is this!?" Y/Lizzie yelled.

"Yeah, Josie," T/Hope mocked, glaring at her.

"That's not-," H/Lizzie hesitated. "If I were Josie then the spell would of wore off when you siphoned me!"

"C'mon Jo! You're really going to bring this on even further?! Maybe I just didn't siphon you long enough."

T/Hope chuckling in the background, "Is this funny to you?" Y/Hope questioned.

"Yes. Actually, it is," she continued laughing.

"This prank has gone a little far, don't you think? I mean who are you in this?! Why do you continue to laugh?!" Y/Hope demanded an answer.

"I'm not laughing because of the prank. I'm laughing because you guys think it's one. And I'm y-," H/Lizzie covered her mouth.

"Y- your, uhh, friend! She's your friend— that I brought into the prank," H/Lizzie said frantically. Maybe them thinking she's Jo, and this is a prank, is for the best.

"Hope doesn't have any friends—. And finally, you admit it's a prank Jo. Why'd you snap MG's neck?!" Y/Lizzie gestured towards MG's lifeless body. "And Dad?! Why is he asleep?!"

"Lizzie-," saying her own name was startling.

"Lizzie's right, I don't have any friends. Drop the illusion spell Josie," Y/Hope demanded.

"Look I'm sorry about the prank, but— we really, really have to go..." H/Lizzie said with empty reasoning.

"If you're sorry, then drop the spell," Y/Hope continued. She has no intention to let them leave without that spell lifted.

"It would spoil the prank. You'll just never know...!" H/Lizzie grinned rushing her and T/Hope away.

"What the hell. That is so not Jo." The blonde deeply thought, "I mean she wouldn't even have the guts to pull a prank."

"No, she wouldn't..." Y/Hope agreed. Something is definitely off.


"You know, I didn't think you could get any crazier," The tribrid sarcastically said. "At first I thought it was a memory. Some odd attempt to get my humanity back-," she chuckled.

"Well, obviously, it's not a memory Hope. It's the god damn past!" Lizzie yelled in frustration.

"Yeah, mind explaining how you managed this one?" she stood awaiting an answer. "I mean how is this even possible?!"

"I hardly know." She stood up, "But what I do know is that no one can know we're here.

"That would be why we're hiding at the old mill." She slowly paced, "You really had to mess with a spell you clearly had no knowledge of," she sighed.

"That's really hypocritical of you," Lizzie said filled with anger. "All the spells you were doing to get Landon back?! You forced Josie to take her magic back!"

"You say that as if I care," she shrugged. "And besides, Josie having her magic is honestly the best thing for her."

"That's not the point. You were doing all these stupid things to get someone you love back! Just as I was being stupid trying to get you back..."

"Like right now? We've already done this once Lizzie. Your little love-hate speeches don't work." Hope sighed.

"I think they do," the blonde analyzed.


"They don't. Now I'm going to go find a way back," she vamped away.

"And tamper with spells you have no knowledge of?" she mocked. "God damn hypocrisy!" she yelled to Hope, who's already out of sight. "Dammit!" she yelled at herself.


Sorry if having 2 of Hope and Lizzie was confusing 😅. That's the part that's dreadful about writing in this time. But it's so interesting! We'll see how things go :D. Hope you like this one. Ty for votes!

I may write in the present (Like the time they are from) as well. Who knows...🤨

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