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By sunset, Kaleb and Cleo finally pulled into the yard by the abandoned house. It was awkwardly quiet, so as soon Cleo was done driving, they opened the car doors and rushed to the house. Josie and Alaric were unconscious on the porch.

"Where's Lizzie?" Kaleb furrowed his eyebrows and questioned the muse, but she only knew as much as him. Kaleb bent down, and grabbed Josie's hand. It was slit and  clearly bled. "Well, guess we know she completed her transition."

Cleo bent down and put her hands to her mouth and blew as she whispered a spell. Within a few minutes, Alaric and Josie's eyes fluttered open. Alaric groaned as he got up. Cleo asked, "What happened?"

Josie pushed herself up to a sitting position, then grabbed her cut hand, "Well, Lizzie didn't like the idea of Hope believing she's dead..."

"What do you mean?" Kaleb asked quickly.

"I called Hope. I figured she would have found Mg if she'd gotten herself out. I guess I forgot to ask when she threatened me about biting one of the vampires."

"Yeah. Mg wasn't at the Triad building. And we had some clean up work to do after Hope," Kaleb looked away and sighed.

"We need to get to the school. Lizzie's gone again, and we need to heal whoever Hope bit. We can find Mg after," Josie pushed herself up into a standing position.


"You're a scourge!" Myles screamed. Some vampires held him down in his bed, "You don't belong here!" He shouted again.

Alex came up to him, and put her hand on his head. He had a bad fever. "He's getting worse. Why is he getting worse and worse so quickly?!"

"Hope bit him for a longer amount of time. There must be more venom than usual...," one of the vampires said slowly.

The vampires and Alex jolted there heads to the door into the dorm as it freaked open. Once it was open, Mylie and Mg walked in.

Mylie ran over to Myles, "Om my god, Myles! It's me," Mylie cupped his face with her hands, "I'm so sorry for leaving, but I'm here now."

"This is all Dr. Saltzman's fault," the poisoned vampire cried and shook his head. "He should have never let Hope come to this school."

Mg was standing a few feet away with the blood in his hand. Mylie looked over her shoulder, "Mg, the blood." Mg nodded then walked over to the bedside. Mylie moved over for Mg to give Myles the blood. He put the vile to Myles' mouth, and Mylie looked at her boyfriend, "It's okay, drink."

Myles closed his eyes, and drank the cure. The bite on his neck healed. It was a literal miracle. The vampire gulped and grabbed the vile to put the rest in his mouth on his own.

Alex shook her head, "Where did you get Hope's blood...?"

"She gave it to us. It's a really long story, but I guess she had a guilty conscious after hurting Myles," Mg looked at the other witch. The two vampires and Alex looked at them, shocked.


Hope paced down the alley beside the grill, "My entire life, I've been labeled. I was used—I was told that there was no hope for me," she looked up at the dark sky. She shook her head and tried to hold back her tears, "Which is ironic being my name's Hope," she chuckled and wiped away tears with her hand.

"I don't even know who I am! Lizzie was the only person I had left— and now she's gone. And just when you think it can't get any worse, I've lost a part of myself as well. I'm helpless. If there was the slightest possibility's to save her, it's impossible now," Hope closed her eyes tensely.

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