09 - Can't Excuse Me

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After sitting at the dock for a while, Y/Hope began walking away

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After sitting at the dock for a while, Y/Hope began walking away. "Where are you going?"

"To wolf out. Things have been annoying lately," she smiled, "You know you can too."

"I only wolfed out when things got stressful. I have no need, as my humanity's off," she smirked, following her towards the old mill.

"You say that, yet here you are, almost laughing. I believe that's emotion."

"No it's just-," she denied.

"How about you wolf out, because being a wolf is nice," her younger self offered.

"Alright, fine," the two walked up by the old mill, preparing to transition.

"Here," the auburn pulled out a blood bag, the older tribrid looking disappointed. "It's not— Animal blood."

She grabbed the blood bag, tasting it to be sure. "Well, where'd you get it. Because I know there's no human blood at the school," she arched her eyebrows.

"Kaleb has a stash. I only know about it because I caught him leaving the school to get blood. Instead of going to the kitchen." She pointed to the blood bag, "It also doesn't have the Salvatore logo."

"Wonder who else knows and is just keeping quiet."

"Doubtfully many. Here," she tossed a pair of clothes.

"What, this for after I turn back? I'd much rather wear these."

"We'll unless you change, you're not getting to do so," she chuckled.

"I have a spell; I keep my clothes when I turn back."

The younger tribrid started in astonishment, "Okay you have to teach me that. The amount of clothes I've lost to turning."

"Can't, I wrote it. Which means you will write it."

"Okay fine." She began transitioning. The older Hope watched her bones crack and twist until before her was a white wolf who glared at her, waiting for her to turn as well. She began turning, letting in what little pain she would feel during her transformation. She'd forgotten the peace she felt as a wolf. Even without her humanity, it felt amazing.


They both were wolves all throughout the night. Kaleb had come upon the older Hope on his midnight jog and had no clue that she wasn't his Hope. He actually doesn't even know much of the circumstances yet. Only what Mg attempted to tell him.

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