25 - What's it Like With the Tribrid?

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"Set her down on the counter!" Alaric opened the door for Kaleb and Cleo. They put Lizzie on a counter in the kitchen. They were back to the abandoned house where they kept Matt.

"Ric?!" Matt yelled, clearly hearing all the chaos. Kaleb vamped over to Matt and compelled him to be quiet.

"Dad...," Josie muttered. She walked up to Lizzie. Alaric ignored the brunette. "Dad!" Josie repeated louder, finally getting Alaric to simply look at her. "Lizzie's dead... Hope tried healing her... It didn't work." Josie's eyes watered.

"I'm afraid your living daughter is right Dr. Saltzman. There's no pulse. Nothing. Lizzie's-," Cleo was cut off by the sudden gasp coming from the blonde. She pushed her self up and continued taking in as much air as she could. It was as if she'd been suffocating. "Alive?!" Cleo backed up out of shock.

"Elizabeth!" Alaric leaned over the counter and put his arms on Lizzie's. He pulled her in for a hug, "You're okay, thank god!"

Lizzie shook her head. She didn't even hug Alaric back, "No. No I'm not." Alaric pulled back and furrowed his eyebrows at his daughter. Lizzie gulped as she finally recalled, "Hope's blood."

"What do you mean Hope's blood?" Josie shook her head. "You're in transition?" Josie said with a worried voice.

"I didn't even realize it, but I've had Hope's blood in my system this whole time. After the whole mess at the school, Hope and I needed to find someone who she fed on before. I drank her blood when I drank the blood of who we were trying to track," Lizzie said with wide eyes. She was shocked when she realized.

"That was days ago, Lizzie, how was her blood still in your system?" Alaric shook his head. Kaleb came walking back inside.

Lizzie winced when she slit her hand. Her blood dripped into a bowl. She looked at the papers of spells she received from a witch in Greece. Then the blonde chanted with her hand in the bowl. It was full of her blood and tons of herbs. There were a lot of ingredients. The spell wasn't Latin, so the pronunciations were tough, but in the end, Lizzie was successful. The blonde drank the now purple-red blood.

Lizzie walked up to Hope, purposefully hiding her hand. Hope smelled the blood anyways and pulled Lizzie's hand from behind her back, "Needed a lot of blood for a spell or something-?" The tribrid furrowed her eyebrows.

Lizzie just shrugged with a failed attempt at making an innocent face. Hope sighed, and bit her wrist, "Here," she held it up for Lizzie. The siphon drank from her, and healed. "But now you're not leaving my side for the next 24 hours. Just so you don't- you know, kill yourself."

"I know how it works, Hope. Besides. Do I really wanna be a heretic at 16? I don't wanna look 16 forever. It's not even close enough to selling as drinking age," Lizzie rolled her eyes. "I need to be in my 20's or something," the siphon smirked.

Lizzie locked the door behind her and fell onto the bed in the hotel. It was luxurious. The blonde was free for now while Hope went to go feed. Lizzie rolled over onto her stomach, then pushed herself up. She came to a sitting position, "Alright. It's been 3 days. You're blood should be out of my system, Hope. But with a little bit of magic," Lizzie slid off the bed, and walked over to a dresser. She pulled it open and picked up a knife. "It should last a whole lot longer," Lizzie slit her hand. And it healed.

"Lizzie?" The blonde turned her head back to reality. She felt a wave of hunger punch her in the stomach the moment she caught focus. The blonde grabbed her stomach and groaned. "God, are you okay? I've been trying to get your attention for 10 minutes!" Alaric said loudly and worryingly.

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