19 - We Gotta Have Bait

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"It's not exactly helpful if I don't know what you were about to tell me

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"It's not exactly helpful if I don't know what you were about to tell me." Mg firmly stated and backed away from Lizzie. She had a very reluctant look in her eyes.

"Just forget it Mg," Lizzie disappointed him. "It'll be better if we just forget it. Okay?" She awaited his nod of agreement. It took a few long stares, but it eventually happened. Lizzie sighed at the realization that they still had other problems, "So the school—."

"I can talk with them," Mg assured, looking around at all three of them. He noticed the girl Hope fed on, not compelled, shockingly calm. Too calm. He walked a few steps towards the girl who stood by the car, "Why are you suddenly okay with this? Why can't you be compelled?"

Leah adjusted her posture, seemingly unsure on how to respond. Lizzie hadn't thought too hard on it, but Leah was weirdly calm. She walked over to her friend, "Hope fed on you," the blonde turned to look at Hope, who seemed to be forcing herself to keep still, "You would have been gagging on vervain if Leah had any."

"She doesn't drink vervain," Hope gulped, keeping her sentence short.

Lizzie startled the young adult when she turned swiftly, and asked, "What are you? How—?" With no response from the girl, Lizzie dropped it. She walked away annoyed with her hands up in defeat, "You know what— fine. We have bigger problems to deal with right now." The blonde opened the driver's door to the car in frustration. It slammed shut.

Mg walked over to the passenger's side, and looked at Lizzie, leaning on the door, "What are you doing?"

"Well. Don't you need to convince everyone not to kill Hope?" She titled her head slightly at Mg.

Lizzie's eyes followed Hope as she walked over to the car. It was about the most movement that came out of Hope since she got to the bridge. Hope seemed to be heading to sit down in the vehicle, but she only looked at Lizzie, "We can't go to the school. Did you forget the bit of it being a trap?"

"For you. You don't have to go in until everything's situated. And then when that's done," Lizzie adjusted her head to look straight ahead, and sighed, "And when it's done, we can finally rest peacefully tonight."

"Yup," Leah stepped into the backseat behind the passenger's seat and sat down. Seems they'd all been seated in the car, Hope sighed, and sat in the back behind Lizzie.

Lizzie barely began driving before Leah remarked, "Can we trust you driving?" Lizzie shook her head at the comment, and just continued towards the school. They were only on the car for a few minutes before arriving at the school.

Lizzie turned the keys, and her and Mg stepped out of the car. "Wait here," The blonde said before walking off with Mg.

The siphoner stopped Mg when he put his hand on the door handle. "They're expecting to see Hope." She siphoned the vampire with the hand she laid on his arm. The witch before Mg was no longer a stern blonde. She became short with long, darker auburn hair. Her long white shirt became a navy-blue t-shirt with a black leather jacket laid over. Exactly what Hope was wearing.

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