Chapt 1. Yes!!!

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I jumped up and grabbed my phone, it was another message from them it said:

Thanks for being such an amazing human!! We need more like you in this planet.

I squealed, I got comments and DMs like this everyday. But this one was..different, idk how but it just was. I quickly started to reply.

Omg love you are so sweet!! I absolutely adore you!!

I squealed yet again. I messaged again.

Would you happen to have snap So that we could message on that?

I sat and waited for a reply.

Yes I do! Let me send it really quick.

Yes!!!!! They sent the username and I went straight to snapchat and added them. We started talking a bunch, blush and smile and pretty much everything they would send.

I stopped myself. What is happening, I am acting like this??? I asked myself.  I looked back to myself scrolled up and realized just how much I was flirting with them. "Oh no," I said my mouth forming into an O. Shit, I'm falling for them. I thought.

Hey, I have a quick question.


We're you serious about you liking me?

Um yes 😅 why do you ask?

Well I think I might like you too.

Wait rlly? Like your being fr

Yes, I've been trying to keep you out of my fucking mind but I can't milo. Will you be my girlfriend?

Yes!! Of course will!!

I shot up, wait she didn't reject me. Omg Omg omg!!!!! I immediately called my bsf emme. The phone rang twice before she picked up.

"Hello?" She said in a groggy voice.

"Hey Em sorry to wake you but I have amazing news."

"It's okay I needed to be up anyways, what happened?"

"Welllll, I got a gf!!!"

"Omg rlly?!?!"

"Yes! And she's absolutely stunning!!"

"Omg I love that for you!!!"

"Thanks Em!"

We stayed on call for a few hours before a realized I had to get to sleep.

"Hey Em?"


"I rlly got to get to bed, but I love you and I'll talk to you in the morning!"

"Okaayy love you Tay, sleep well,"

I grabbed my pillow and cuddled up to it wrapping myself around it. Holy shit Tay, you scored an absolutely gorgeous gf. I thought t myself. My eyes slowly started to feel heavy and I started to drift off to sleep.


I woke up a few hours later to a message from milo. It read.

Hey my luv!! I just found out I'm going to Colorado for Christmas!! I can go out to see you then.

Omg I could see her!!! It was only a month away!! 

Omg yeah!! Just tel me the days and I'll send you my information.

We got everything figured out and decided on the days we would stay together. I texted her goodnight and held onto my pillow and fell asleep smiling to myself.

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