Chpt 15 TW: rape/ sexual assault

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TW: rape/ sexual assault.

Me and milo have been together for a year and a half now. I'm about to propose to her, I'm nervous to do so though. I'm scared she's gonna say no. I finally got enough money to get my own place and me and milo are now living together, I'm so happy to finally be in a very very happy relationship with the woman I'm in love with.

I walked outside to my car, I looked to the neighbors house seeing he was outside. He noticed I was staring and started towards me. Just great. I thought. He smiled at me.

"Hey, I saw you moved in recently. I wanted to properly introduce myself, I'm saint," he said sticking his hand out.

"Um. Hey. I'm Taylor, and I have a sensory issue with touching peoples hands so I'm sorry but I don't like to do handshakes," I told him. He pulled his hand back.

"Oh, I'm sorry," he tilted his head down.

"It's okay you didn't know," I said not wanting to hurt his feelings. He seemed pretty sweet. "Well anyways, me and my girlfriend just moved in. Kinda sucks we're really struggling with money right now," I said.

"I've been there my friend," he said patting me shoulder. I started to get a little uncomfortable.

"Yeah well I better get going to work, I'll catch you later," I said just trying to get out of the situation as fast as possible.

"Oh wait! Before you go I want to give you something, y'know just like a welcome into the neighborhood thing," he said.

Not wanting to hurt his feelings I reluctantly agreed. We walked inside.

"It's up in my room, come with me," he said. I followed him through the hallway to his room. He let me in before him, he shut and locked the door behind him.

"Uh saint. Why are you locking the door?" I asked my panic rising. I had been raped when I was young by my friends grandfather so ever since I have always been on high alert. Saint didn't say anything he just pounced on me, pinning me to the bed. "Saint! Stop! I'm not attracted to you!! I'm gay!" I shouted but he didn't care. I tried to push him off of me but he was far to heavy. "Please. Please let me go," I pleaded but it didn't work. He started kissing my neck. "Saint! Stop!" I shouted even though I knew it wasn't gonna change anything. I continued swinging my legs and trying to kick him but nothing worked. He just wouldn't stop. I started to cry. I felt his hand slowly make its way down my body to my pants. "No. Saint stop. No. I said no!" I shouted but it was useless. He stuck his hand into my pants going underneath my underwear and touching all over my clit. I kept trying to push Him off but he just sat up higher and slapped me hard across the face. I let out a yelp of pain. He held me down harder hand shoved his hand back into my pants. I started to cry. But finally I got a perfect aim and kneed him straight in the balls. He groaned in pain and held his balls in pain just rolling around groaning. But before I could get to the door he had jumped up again pulling me back and punching me in the face which threw me to the ground. My nose started pouring blood.

"I have a deal for you," he said. I didn't respond, I was still crying so hard and my whole body hurt. "Okay so either you let me finish what I started and you break up with your girlfriend, orrr I do it all to her. Your choice," he said in a way to cheerful tone. This wasn't fair. I either keep my human safe or break her heart.

"Fine! I'll do whatever the fuck you want just don't touch her," I shouted.

"Good," he then wrapped his hand around my Throat, choking me, he then pulled off my shirt and pants.

(Time skip cause I don't wanna bring flashbacks to my brain)

I grabbed all of my clothes and sprinted out of the house. I ran inside of my place and going inside my room and locking myself in there, I got on the ground and started crying. I couldn't handle it, I didn't wanna hurt milo.

I heard the front door open then shut. Shit. I thought hopping up. I unlocked the door and went out to milo. She was all smiles until she saw that I had been crying. She ran to me but I backed up,

"Taylor, what the fuck is wrong. Your scaring me," she said in a very worried tone.

"I'm sorry milo we just can't be together right now," I said lowering my voice. More tears started to drop down my face, but this time I felt completely numb.

"What," she said.

"We can't be together!" I shouted. I shoved passed her and walked out of the house slamming the door behind me.

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