Chapt. 4 Oh. Fuck.

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We arrived back at the house, I unbuckled my self and hurried to grab Milo's door for her.

"After you my lady," I held out my hand for her. She smiled at and grabbed my hand, we went inside. "Welcome to my castle!" I said excitedly.

"It's so pretty," she said with her head tilted up and walking in circles. I walked over to her, I grabbed her in a hug and looked down at her kissing her forehead.

"Wanna meet my dogs?" I asked, she nodded her head and I grabbed her hand and brought her back to my older brothers room. I opened up the door, he glance up at me.

"Who's this?" He asked me. I turned towards milo with a big goofy grin on my face.

"This is my girlfriend milo, milo this is my brother Trent," I introduced them. Milo did a shy little wave and smiled at him.

"Oh what's up?" My brother said.

"Nothin much Tay is just showing me the dogs," she told him.

"Oh. They are under the bed if you wanna take 'em from outta here," He suggested.

"Thanks!" I said. "Come on puppies," I said making a kissy noise. The two huge dogs came rushing out and jumped up on me licking my face. "OKAY OKAY I GET IT YOU MISSED ME!!" I said laughing. Milo chucked at my struggling. The dogs finally got off and ran over to milo and immediately started licking her face too. "HEY! Only I get to kiss her like that!" I shouted at the dogs. They hopped off of her and ran back under the bed. I turned back to her. "Ready to go see my room, I cleaned up and everything for you," I asked.

"Yes!" She replied. I grabbed her hand again and brought her to the staircase and opened the door, I had turned the led lights red and put our playlist on. She turned to me. "You did not!"

"Hell yeah I did," I said with a smirk. Put my hand out gesturing for her to go before me. "After you," she grabbed my hand and headed down the staircase. Once we reached the bottom and she looked around, her face dropped when her eyes saw something. I was confused, Her gaze fell onto my nightstand. I looked at where her eyes where. Oh. Fuck.

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