Chpt. 7 oh. No.

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I woke up with milo sleeping peacefully in my arms. Making sure not to wake her, I pulled my arms from underneath her and grabbed my phone. Looking at the time it said 12:30, I rolled back over to my beautiful girlfriend sleeping peacefully beside me.

"Hey baby," I whispered into her ear. "Come on baby you got to get up," I said kissing her forehead.

"Mmmmm," she groaned. "Ten more minutes," she said scrunching her face at the Sunlight.

"No baby you have to get up, we need to eat," I said reaching under the blanket and grabbing her hand. I kissed her hand as she opened her eyes. "Hi beautiful," I said smiling at her. She smiled back.

"Hi love," I brushed her hair aside and kissed her nose.

"How'd you sleep?" I asked.

"Amazingly with you next to me," she tapped my nose.

"Well so did I," I told her. "I'm going to go hop in the shower I will be back," I said smiling.

"Okay baby I'm gonna get ready," she told me. I gave her a peck on the lips and then hopped up. I grabbed some clothes and went up my staircase, I saw my mom.

"Hi mom!" I almost yelled.

"Hi baby, how's it going with milo?" She asked.

"Really good, she's so fucking pretty and just adorable," I said while squealing.

"Haha. I've missed seeing you like this," she said in a happy tone.

"Me too. Welp I'm gettin in the shower," I told her. She waved bye and watched as I walked to the towel closet. I pulled a towel out and then walked into the bathroom, I turned the water onto as hot as I could get it and stepped in. The heat felt so amazing. All I could think about is milo, I just wanted everything about her, I didn't want her to leave me. I snapped myself out of it and continued washing my body.

Milo's POV.

I hopped up and grabbed myself clothes, I got myself changed and walked over to Taylor's mirror. My outfit looked pretty good. I started to walk around Taylor's room, checking things out. I looked inside her nightstand, I saw a little crack in it, it looked pretty odd. Wonder what's in here? I thought to myself. I ran my hand along the edge of the crack, but I felt a stinging pain in my hand. I winced.

"What the fuck was that," I said pulling my hand back to myself. I looked at the cut that was now poring blood. "Jesus h." I said. I went back to check what cut me thinking it was just a loose nail. But that was then I saw somthing. It was a small blade sticking out, I grabbed it and pulled it out. As I looked closer it had obviously been torn out of a sharpener, I set it on the night stand and looked around more. I saw that inside the trash was a bloody napkin. Oh. No.

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