Chpt. 12 meeting joseph

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We boarded the plane, me and Milo's hands intertwined. We found our seats and put our backpacks on the floor, we took our seats. I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket and fished for my earbuds in my backpack.

"Are you gonna tell me where we're going?" milo whispered in my ear.

"Nope," i teased. Milo sighed. I plugged my earbuds in handing one to milo, she gladly took it. I snuggled into her shoulder, grabbing her hand. I slowly drifted asleep.

(Time skip)

I felt milo shaking me awake.

"Taylor. Wake up, we just landed," she said smiling. I squinted my eyes, getting used to my surroundings. For a second there I completely forgot where I was. I stood up stretching, I backed out and grabbed my back pack. I grabbed Milo's hand and we make our way to the exit.

We finally got out of the airport and made our way to our Uber. We piled our stuff in and jumped into the car, I gave the driver the address of where we were headed.

We arrived at the hotel and signed in. We got to the room and settled in, laying out stuff down. I leaped onto the bed.

"Holy shit I'm exhausted, wanna take a nap?" I said.

"Yess!" Milo responded exitedly.

"K. We have to leave bright and early tomorrow though," I told her.

"Got it!" I flipped over and stuck my arm out, milo laid in my arm and pulled her close to me.

"I love you," I whispered.

"I know, I love you too," she said. I kissed her nose and laid my head back down slowly falling asleep.

Time skip

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I hopped up and turned it off. I looked back over to milo seeing that she was still sleeping, I walked over and shook her lightly.

"Hey baby, you gotta get up we need to go," I whispered and kissed her lips.

"I'm up im up," she groaned. She slowly opened her eyes as I walked across the room.

"K so as part of your surprise I picked out outfits for us," I pulled two matching outfits. The outfits were two pairs of black ripped jeans and two hellfire shirts. I gave hers to her and went to the bathroom to get changed. I came back out and she was getting a belt on. "Holy shit you look great in that,"

"Haha you do too," she giggled. I walked over and wrapped my arms around her kissing her.

"Are you ready?" I asked.

"I think so," she said.

"Alright. Let's get going," I said. I walked over to the door and held it opened. "After you," I held my hand out. She walked out infront and we headed to the lobby. I grabbed us some food and drinks and then grabbed Milo's hand and led her out to the Uber. J gave him the directions and we finally arrived at the comic con. Milo looked at me confused. "You'll see," I said with a smirk. I thanked the driver and then pulled milo out.

We walked into the comic con. Milo looked around and so did I, finally my eyes landed on him. Omg he is so much more adorable Than I thought.

"K. Stay here do not move I have to go do something," I told her. She nodded her head and turned towards the wall. I made my way to Joseph.

Finally I got to him.

"Hi!" I said excitedly.

"Hi," he responded. His accent so adorable.

"Can I get a hug, I've been dying to meet you since forever,"

"Yes ofc love!" He said standing up from his chair and wrapping me and a tight hug. I just sat there taking it in, he was so sweet. Finally he pulled away.

"Thank you so much," I said wiping a tear from my face.

"Awe don't cry," he said. I giggled.

"Sorry it's just that your one of the people that kept me alive through some shit and I really love you, I know your probably hear that on a daily basis," I told him. He put his hand on his heart.

"Thank you!! I love you too," he smiled and hugged me again. I pulled away.

"Oh! So I brought my girlfriend here with me and she's also a huge fan of yours, and actually your mostly the reason me and her met in the first place and today is our 11 month, and I have a question and I know it's a pretty big ask but I was wondering if you could come to a surprise celebration I have for her. You absolutely do not have to, but if you could it would be amazing!" I said.

"Hmm. I guess I'll have to think on it. Can you give me the information so I could try?" He asked. I gladly gave him it and I hugged him one last time and thanked him before rushing back to milo.

"Okay baby. Your gonna close your eyes and were going to go meet someone. Okay?" I said. She nodded and covered her eyes with her hands.

We reached Joseph again.

"Okay. Open your eyes," I said. Milo uncovered her eyes.

"Hi!!!" Joseph said as Milo's face dropped.

"OMG!!" Milo yelled. She opened her arms and jumped into Joseph's. She squealed.

"How are you darling?" He asked her.

"Amazing now!!!" She squealed. He giggled. We got our shirts signed and gave Joseph a few more hugs before saying goodbye. "That. Was. Amazing!!!!" Milo yelled.

"Haha, happy anniversary!!" I said.

"Happy anniversary!!" She squealed and grabbed me in a huge hug. I kissed her.

"Okay well this isn't the only surprise I have for tonight," I said. Her face dropped.

"Theres more?!?" She shouted.

"Yep now let's go get ready," I said grabbing her hand and skipped off to the Uber.

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