Chpt. 16 justice.

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I ran out of the house and hopped into my car. I didn't know what to do, I decided to go to the only person I wanted to be with at the moment. My mom.

I pulled into the driveway, I jumped out and burst into the door.

"Hi Taylor! What u-" mom stopped mid sentence, her smile fading when she saw my bruised up face. She ran to me. She hugged me tightly. "What the hell happened?" She asked grabbing my face and looking at it. I didn't respond I just hugged her again and started to cry into her shoulder. "Let's go get you cleaned up," she said grabbing my hand and bringing me into the bathroom. She drew me a bath and then stepped out while I got undressed. I looked at myself in the mirror, I had blood dripping from my nose a black eye and a red mark on my cheek from where he slapped me. I started to cry. I wanted milo but I couldn't risk her getting hurt, I would never let her go through that.

Mom walked back in as I sat with my head in my knees crying.

"Taylor," my mom said lifting my head so that I was looking at her. "I need you to tell me what happened. Did milo do this to you?" She asked.

"No. I-it was t-the neighboor," I said through tears.

"What did he do?" She said through gritted teeth. I told her the whole story. Mom started to cry. "I'm sorry baby," she said. She kissed my forehead. "Let me go grab my first aid kit," she said hopping up. I put my thumb out. She left the room leaving me alone with my thoughts, just then I heard someone profusely knocking on the front door, it creaked open and I heard mom shout: "milo!" Just then I heard fast footsteps towards the bathroom door.

"Taylor," milo said panting as she burst through the bathroom door. "Please baby, don't leave me. I can't live without you please," she pleaded. I just cried. I got out of the bath rapping myself in a towel. I gave her a hug. She had obviously been crying. I cried into her shoulder. "Please. I cant do it without you," she said. I cried harder.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry," I whined. "He said he would hurt you, I couldn't handle it," I said.

"Who?" Milo asked, her tone going completely serious.

"Saint," I said quietly.

"Saint.. sai- wait. Our neighbor?" She asked. I nodded my head. "He's way to weak to do anything Taylor. I would've been okay,"

"DO YOU FUCKING SEE WHAT HE DID TO ME!" I shouted backing up and pointing to my face. Since mom hadn't cleaned up my wounds my nose was still bleeding.

"He did that!!?!" She shouted.

"Yes! I went outside and he was there, he told me he had a gift, I didn't want to hurt his feelings so I went inside. Once we were inside he raped me!" I said tears streaming down my face. "I kicked him in the nuts but he got back up and punched me. Then he said that either I break up with you and let him do what he wants with me or he would go to you and rape you, and I couldn't live with myself if I let him do this to you," I said putting my head down.

"Oh baby," she lightly rubbed my cheek. A single tear falling from her eye, I winced at the pain. "We are going to the police station and we are getting that fucker arrested," she said sternly. I nodded my head, she lead me to my mom who cleaned up my face. She walked downstairs and got me some of my old clothes, she knew I would be uncomfortable with shorts so she grabbed me sweats and a hoodie.

We arrived at the station and we went inside. I they took me into a separate room, I gave them all of the information. Thankfully saint hand a ring doorbell so they saw me go in and then the could hear me screaming from inside, the saw me run out of the house with only a bra and shorts. They had enough proof, they arrested him on the spot. I felt relief.

We went back home, me and milo just sat on the bed cuddled up crying together. I looked up at her tear stained face, I grabbed her cheeks and kissed her.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't handle anything happening to you baby," I said.

"Don't ever apologize for that again. You did nothing wrong, you were just trying to protect me," she said.

"Thank you,"


"For not just giving up. You came to find me Instead of just letting it be what it was, I love you and forever will,"

"I love you too," she kissed me again then I cuddled into her chest falling asleep while she rubbed my back.

A/N: sorry for the rlly depressing chapters, I wanted to add this in because of my own experience with sexual assault. And I made sure to give Taylor justice in this one because I never got that. If your struggling with the trauma of being raped or sexually assaulted, feel free to message me and let me know what you need.

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