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"Hi Pucca!" Some villagers greeted. Pucca smiled in response and continued skipping through the square. Pucca was a kind and cheerful young woman. She lived with her three uncles in the town's most popular restaurant, Goh Rong. She always wore her signature red dress, black leggings, and luxurious black hair tied in two buns on her head. However, don't let her looks fool you. She can go from peaceful lamb to enraging lion in situations she cares about. Not to mention that she's incredibly strong and trains in martial arts. However, like all super heroines, she does have a weakness: Garu.

Meditating in the bamboo grove, a ninja with black hair in pigtails, wearing a black jumpsuit with a red heart in the center. Garu is a calm and silent young man who's first and greatest love is ninjitsu and martial arts. He is extremely focused on those two subjects, but that's not the only thing he cares about. He lives with his cat Mio in his home and makes deliveries to the Goh Rong. He also cares about his friends, Ching, Abyo, and Pucca. Ching was a girl who was seen wearing a purple dress, along with a chicken named Won on her head with two black braids. Ching, not the chicken. Abyo was Garu's best friend and he wore a black shirt and pants and they would always spar together, but Abyo always lost. Garu highly respects Pucca and considers her as one of his closest friends. However, she does have one red flag to him: her affection.

It wasn't a secret that Pucca really liked Garu. In fact, it was extremely obvious. Every time she saw him, she would chase him and if he was caught (which he was) Pucca would shower him with kisses. Much to his despair. Although, it's pretty unclear if Garu felt the same towards Pucca, but Ching believes that he does, but he's too shy or embarrassed to do anything. Especially after he had taken a vow of silence. Nevertheless, she never gives up as her goal is for his love.

Pucca giggled quietly as she crept on Garu meditating. Garu opened one of his eyes, he knew he heard something. He got up and listened more carefully. The rustling of the bamboo was heard from left to right. Garu knew something was there, he crept towards the rustling plants. Then after more rustling, out came...Mio. Garu sighed in relief and went to pet his cat. However, he felt something else was there, he could smell it. He took a sniff, it smelled like, noodles? Garu's eyes widened and looked around, quietly panting in panic. Not even a few seconds later, Pucca tackled him from out of nowhere and began to swarm him with kisses. Garu gasped in panic and tried to get away, also with his face becoming red. However, Pucca got him good and continued kissing him.

Yeah, this is what it was like every day. Poor Garu couldn't catch a break and poor Pucca couldn't get a kiss from him. Well, it didn't matter because they were in good terms with each other, and Pucca was fortunate to have his friendship, same with Garu. However, things were about to change for the both of them.

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