Chapter Eleven

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Garu slowly woke up in his bed and began to stretch a little. Then he heard a knock on his door. "Come in." he responded. Hope came into his room, holding two cups of tea. "Hey...Mother's making breakfast for us. I thought you could use a drink." she said gently. He gave her a little smile. "Thank you." he replied. They both sat on the bed and sipped on the tea. "So...are those kids my other brother and sister?" Garu asked. "Blaze and Melody? Yes they are." she answered him. She looked at Garu's head in disgust. "When was the last time you've combed you hair?" she asked. "Uh..." "Off the bed and let me fix it." Hope said and shooed Garu off the bed. He sat on the floor as she worked through his hair.

"What's Mother like?" Garu asked. "She's really sweet and caring. Unless of course you make her mad. She was the one who taught us martial arts when we were young." Hope said. "Father?" "He's on a mission for the village, he'll be back in a few days." she answered. "How about you? Where were you all this time? What have you've been doing?" "I've lived in a village of Sooga. I've lived with my cat Mio and made some friends. Abyo, Ching, Ssosso, and Pucca." he answered her but he couldn't help but feel a slight sting when he said her name. Hope could see his change in expression. "Pucca? Did you not like her?" she asked. Garu quickly denied it. "No, no. She's an amazing girl and I...sort of..fell for her." he admitted. Hope giggled. "Ohh, you had a crush on her! Did you tell her how you feel?" she asked. "I...I tried to, but she didn't react the way I wanted to. That's why I left." he said. Hope was silent. "We found you with bruises, did she cause them?" she asked. Garu nodded. "She hates me now." "WHAT?! WHY?!" "It's because I ran away so much when she was showing me affection. I don't know why I kept running away, I had a hard time showing affection to others. I must've made her feel so bad, all the running away and avoiding her. I really hurt her and now she hates me because of it." he said with tears forming.

Hope sighed and tied Garu's hair into a ponytail. "Look, I know what you did must've been uncalled for, but what she did to you is even worse! You don't attack someone you care about, especially if they didn't attack you at all." she said. Garu was quiet. "You know, if you want me to 'take care of her' I know a hit man." she whispered to him. "What?! No!! I still care about her and I would never resort to that!" he exclaimed.  He sighed to himself. "She deserves better than me..." he sighed quietly. "Wow, you truly care for her. Don't you?" Hope asked. "Yes." he answered. "Love is a very complicated business Garu, but the best thing is to feel it. Who knows? Maybe she still feels the same for you." Hope said. Garu sighed. As much as he wanted to believe it, he didn't want to get his hopes up. He wouldn't blame Pucca if she didn't. "Don't worry. That life's behind you now. Now you back with your family." Hope said. Garu sighed and gave a little smile, he did want to take this opportunity to get to know his family, especially after so long without knowing he even had one.

"Breakfast time!" their mother called out. Hope just finished Garu's hair. "Perfect, and don't worry, I bet you'll find someone better." Hope said. Garu let out a forced chuckle, he didn't want better, he just wanted Pucca. However, now it was no longer possible for him. "If you change your mind about hit man, just give me her location and-" "No Hope."

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