Chapter Nineteen

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Warning: Short Chapter

"YOU'RE...WHAT?!?!" Garu's family exclaimed when he told them that he was leaving. He nodded. "Yes, my village is in danger. Don't get me wrong, these past weeks with all of you have been the best and your home is amazing, but... Sooga is still my home. And I'm willing to fight for it." Garu explained to them.

Aera stood up and sighed. "I know how important Sooga is to you, but I can't risk the fact that we might lose you again." she said. Chul placed his hand on her shoulder. "It will be okay. He's a skilled warrior." he told his wife. "Yeah, besides I'm going with him." Noble told his parents. Garu turned to his older brother in shock. "What? You're going to need all the help you can get. This Mel guy sounds pretty dangerous." Noble said. Hope nodded. "I'm coming too." she said. "Us too!!" Blaze and Melody told them. "No way, you guys are children!" Garu exclaimed. "We know how to kick butt!" Blaze told him. "PLEEEAAASEEE??????" Melody squealed. Garu sighed and looked at his parents. "Our village will be safe under my protection. If they want to go, then they can." Chul told him. Aera nodded. "I'll pack your bags for the journey."

Meanwhile, the others were waiting for Garu. Abyo impatiently tapped his foot against the ground. "Ugh! What's taking him so long?" he groaned. Ching shrugged. "He's probably saying goodbye to his family." Pucca told them. They all nodded, they were still getting used to the fact that he has a family. However, someone approached them, but it wasn't Garu. Ring Ring rolled her eyes. "Oh great, it's the baker." she whispered with a snarl. Indeed it was Yeobo, holding a basket full of pastries. "What do YOU want?" Ring Ring asked her, not trying to hide her dislike of her. Yeobo shook it off and lightly smiled. "I packed some pastries for you all on your journey. I hope you like them." she told them. "Thank you, but we can't accept this." Pucca said, trying not to sound rude. Tobe scoffed and took the basket. "Speak for yourself." he said with a mouth already full of baked goods.

Then Garu and his siblings approached the group. He explained to his friends that they may need reinforcements for their battle against Mel and Doga. They agreed and they were getting ready to leave until Noble said, "Hey Yeobo, why don't you come with us?" "HUH?!" Garu's friends exclaimed. "Me?" Yeobo asked. "Yes, you're a great foreigner healer. I bet we could need you." Noble told her. Yeobo was a little shocked and looked at the group. Of course, Ching, Abyo, Ayo, and Garu didn't mind. Tobe didn't care. Ring Ring shook her head frantically, while Pucca just remained quiet, but she knew she didn't want Yeobo to come. Yeobo nodded. "Alright, I'll get my things."

When she returned, the group began their journey back to Sooga village. Not knowing the dangers that the village was currently facing.

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