Chapter Twenty Three

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It's been only a few days since our heroes returned back to Sooga. During the day, they help the villagers cope with living underground thanks to Mel, Muji, and Doga. At night, they rid the zombies and spy on the trio of villains. However to stop them, remained a challenge. However, Pucca's challenger was getting ready to make her risky move.

Mio mewed happily as he jumped into Garu's arms. His master chuckled and smiled brightly. "I missed you too Mio." he said. Mio was perfectly healed. Garu looked at Yeobo. "Thank you, I can't think of a way to repay you." he said. Yeobo blushed and smiled sweetly towards him. "It's nothing. After all it's the least I can do to repay you for getting my necklace back." she replied. The two began to embark in a conversation, but they weren't in private. Ching, Ring Ring, Ayo, Hope, Blaze, Melody, and Pucca were listening to them. Tobe, Abyo, and Noble wanted to spy on Mel further that day.

"Makes me sick." Ring Ring stated. "Jealous?" Melody asked with a smirk. In response, Ring Ring blushed slightly and averted her eyes. Ching could see Pucca's emotions on her face: not in jealousy but in worry. She could see that Yeobo and Garu were getting along, and Yeobo was giggling like a schoolgirl. She was worried that Garu felt a new attraction towards her. "Pucca," Ching whispered. Pucca turned to her friend. "It's okay, it's not like she'll try anything." she stated for reassurance. Pucca sighed and nodded.

Yeobo twiddled her thumbs and took a deep breath. "Garu?" she asked. Garu turned to her and put Mio next to Yani. The two cats rubbed there noses and scurried away together. "Yes?" he asked. "I have something to tell you. Alone." she told him. Garu raised a brow. "Um...sure?" he answered, though not really sure if he wanted to.

Pucca and Ring Ring were flabbergasted. Did Yeobo just asked to talk with Garu? Alone? Ring Ring was about to go yang mode on the girl, but Ayo shook his head. "No miss! We didn't come here to fight each other." he warned. As much as she hated to admit it, she knew he was right. It wasn't the time or place to start anything. However, Pucca didn't want to take this standing down. When Yeobo and Garu left the underground bunker, Pucca quietly followed them.

They went into a clearing in the bamboo forest, where no one was around them. Garu turned to Yeobo, who was currently redder than a tomato. "So..." Yeobo trailed. "So?" Garu asked. "L-Look! I think you're a brave, kind, and handsome ninja! I-I've had feeling for you ever since you gotten my necklace back! S-So I was wondering, do you feel this same too?" she confessed. Garu stood there wide eyed and speechless. "Wow...Yeobo..I.." he muttered. Both Pucca and Yeobo held their breaths for Garu's response.

He took a breath. "Yeobo, you're sweet, a great baker and healer. Anyone would be lucky to have your as their partner." he told her. Yeobo's face lit up with hope while Pucca looked on heart slightly broken. She couldn't help but tear up. "It's all my fault. I screwed up." she whispered to herself. She turned to walk away.

"But..." Garu added rubbing the back of his head. Pucca turned back. "I..I had already chosen mine. We've reunited after a while, and I feel that she still feels the same way. I'm sorry." he said. Yeobo sighed sadly but looked up at Garu. "I understand. It would've never surprised me if someone else didn't love you. But..could I at least have one hug?" she asked. Garu chuckled and nodded and the two embraced.

Pucca sighed happily. Not only did Garu may feel the same way towards her, but she realized that Yeobo wasn't a bad person, she just was fond of Garu as the same way Pucca fell in love with him. Hopefully the two would have a future.

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