Chapter Twelve

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After breakfast, Garu's siblings decided to give him a tour around the village. He already told the rest of his family about his life at Sooga, and why he left. Luckily, they welcomed him to their home with open arms. The family was already well respected in the village, so the villagers were all very welcoming to Garu.

"So...what was your girlfriend like?" Melody asked him. "Melody!" Hope exclaimed. Garu sighed. "It's fine, it doesn't really bother me anymore." he told his older sister. Hope smiled, it was good to see that he wasn't so depressed anymore. They continued walking around the village. Suddenly, they heard a commotion.

"Hey! Give me back my necklace!!" a woman's voice shrieked. Just then a figure wearing all black ran past the siblings holding a a sparkling necklace. Noble smirked. "Okay guys, you know what to do." Hope, Melody, and Blaze nodded and left to their positions. "Watch and learn squirt." Noble told Garu and ruffled his hair.

Noble gave chase to the thief. "This is your warning! Give me that necklace!" he called out. "Make me ninja boy!" the thief snapped as he continued running. "Hope now!" Noble yelled. Just then, Hope jumped in front of the thief. Blocking his path. But this thief was a smart thief, he quickly dodged Hope and continued running through the village. 

They gave chase and then Blaze and Melody stopped him. "Not so fast!" they both exclaimed. But the thief jumped over them and he was almost out of sight. Garu sighed, it looked like they need some help. He closed his eyes and focused. A few seconds later, several copies of him appeared before him. They all spread out across the village, looking for the thief.

The thief was quickly surrounded. He smirked. "Okay, pretty boy wants to fight? Well you've got it." he jeered. He pulled out a knife and jabbed it in the air trying to scare them off. But there was one problem...he didn't know which one was the real Garu. They all slowly approached him. The thief scoffed. "I've seen this trick before, I know the real you is...YOU!!" he exclaimed and stabbed the Garu from the right. In response, the Garu poofed into thin air.  The thief's eyes widened in shock. Then the
Lreal Garu attacked from behind. Punches and kicks flew until Garu emerged victorious.

He grabbed the thief's collar and dragged him to his siblings. "THAT.WAS.AWESOME!!! CAN YOU TEACH ME HOW TO DO THAT?!" Blaze exclaimed. "Yeah, where did you learn how to do that?" Hope asked. Garu shrugged. "I don't know, I kind of learned on my own. My martial arts instructor helped me perfect it." he told her.  Garu turned to find the girl who's necklace the thief had stolen.

He approached a girl with brown hair and magenta eyes with a worried look on her face. "Excuse me, is this yours?" he asked. The girl looked at him and began to slightly blush. Then she smiled happily. "You've gotten my necklace back!" she cheered. Gary gave the necklace to her and she quickly put it on. "This was my grandmother's, it's very important to me." the girl stated. "It's very nice." Garu told her. "Thank you..." the girl trailed on, looking for an introduction. "Oh, I'm Garu, and you are?" "I'm Yeobo, nice to meet you." she answered. "Garu come on, we still have to go on patrol!" Hope called out. Garu nodded and left. Yeobo watched him leave, feeling her heart fluttering and her cheeks warming up. Could this mean...Garu has a new admirer?

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