Chapter Eight

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Garu groaned as he slowly opened his eyes. "Where am I?" he asked himself. To his shock, he was not in the forest anymore. Instead he was in a room, on a bed. He rubbed his eyes in disbelief, to see if he was dreaming again, he wasn't.

"Hi!" a voice greeted loudly, which startled Garu. He jumped to the side and turned towards the noise. He saw a young boy, wearing all black with a turquoise bandanna on his head. "Who are you?" "I'm Blaze, who are you? My big brother and sister brought you here." the child asked. Then Garu remembered his encounter with the ninjas. How what they said still rang in his ear, they said that he was their brother. He still couldn't believe it. He refused to believe it. could've been another trick. Dong King did the same thing to him just so he would betray Goh Rong.  Who was he kidding? He didn't know anything about his family, that made him willing to believe anything.

Then he heard voices from outside the room. "I'm sure Mother. I'm 100% positive it's him!" a feminine voice said, Garu believed it was Hope's, the female ninja he ran into. "Darling, it's been years since we saw him. I know you still have faith, but it's time we move on." a woman's voice said. "Mother please, just go in and look." Noble suggested. "I don't know..." "Mother please." Hope begged. Garu heard a sigh and then the door creaked open. Then, a woman wearing a white and red kimono walked into the room. She gasped in shock and covered her mouth. Behind her were the ninjas Garu encountered in the forest. Also behind her was a young girl with yellow ribbons in her hair. "Mama? Who's that?" the girl whispered. "I...I think I know..." she muttered and began approaching Garu.

Then his sense of danger kicked in. "DID YOU PEOPLE KIDNAP ME?!" he exclaimed and tried to get out of the room. Hope and Noble ran over to him and held him down. "Woah! Easy! Calm down!" Noble exclaimed as he held his arms. "We're not going to hurt you!" Hope told him. "Hope, Noble, let him go." the woman demanded. "But he's trying to-" "Let him go." she repeated. "Yes mother." they both said and slowly let Garu go. The woman walked towards him slowly. "Who are you?" Garu mumbled. She didn't answer but she inspected his hands. Garu cringed a little at the strange encounter. She took off his gloves and on his right hand, she saw a scar. She gasped. "What? It's not infected, I've had it since I was young. I don't remember how but-" "It is you..." the woman grabbed his face softly. Garu was even more shocked he wanted to escape but something wouldn't let him.

He felt a sense when she was touching him. Almost as if...he knew her. Then something appeared in his mind. Instead of the bedroom, he felt he was outside with trees and their branches dancing in the wind. The air was smelling sweet and fresh and there were nothing but clear skies. Then the face of the women appeared, her voice was soft and smooth. He listened closer and realized she was singing. He looked even closer, to realize that she was holding a baby with the his black hair, his skin, his eyes. He knew it was him! She was singing him a lullaby (imagine it's the song on the top, because I thought it would be perfect). As she continued singing, Garu could feel his eyes watering up. He wiped his face to see he was crying.

Then within a second, he was back in the room with all of those people

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Then within a second, he was back in the room with all of those people. The woman who continued holding his face quietly wept with a smile. He slowly reached for her hand. "I...I don't know what to say..." he whispered. The woman smiled and brought him in for a hug. "It's okay 私の甘い男の子 (my sweet boy). Garu, you're finally home." she replied. Then she turned to the others. "Hope, Noble, Melody, Blaze, meet your brother." she told them. The family came together embraced  each other tightly. A family was finally reunited.

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