Chapter Twenty Six

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Things are looking up for Pucca & Garu. They have rekindled their relationship and making a new start. However, their happiness will not last.

Master Mel was walking through the temple's hallways, thinking of ways to make the villagers know that he was in charge, of course, torture was one of the options. However, something interrupted his thoughts: the sound of whispering. He silently followed the sound. Tobe's ninjas were there talking to each other.

"I'm just saying, why is the boss being so calm with Garu and not allowing us to attack him?" a ninja asked. "I know it's strange,he must've been poisoned!" another exclaimed. "Look, as soon as we defeat Mel, we'll go back to fighting Garu." one said. "What's the point? Pucca will just beat us up like usual, especially now that they're back together." another reminded the others. They kept discussing as Master Mel listened patiently. He couldn't believe his ears, Pucca and Garu were back in the village, and nobody told him. And what's more is that Tobe thought that he could hide it from them. No matter, he had a plan.

In the evening, Mel called for Tobe and his ninjas. He sat on Soo's throne as the clan came inside. "Ah, my eyes and ears of Sooga. The villagers?" he asked. "Still in hiding sir, any news?" Tobe asked. Mel shook his head. "Nothing, but I am planning a feast tomorrow night, I hope that you and your ninjas will attend." Mel stated. Tobe's ninjas cheered in excitement and Tobe told them to be quiet. They fell silent. "It would be an honor, Master Mel." Tobe stated. Mel smiled. "Good, and if you don't mind. I'd like to speak with your ninjas for a while, Muji does have something for you Tobe." he brought up. Tobe nodded and left the room.

Tobe walked to the side and took out a walkie-talkie out of his sleeve. "Did you get that?" Tobe whispered into it. "Every word, good job Tobe." Garu said from the other side. "Okay, now we know how to take them down!" Abyo cheered and ripped off his shirt. Everyone stared at him. Ching sighed. "I need to take you to see a doctor about that." she muttered. "Now we know where they are, and we'll be able to plan an ambush." Pucca stated. Noble pulled out a map of the temple. "Okay, at the feast, Tobe and his ninjas will be occupied, so Garu, Abyo and I will be entering from the back. Meanwhile, Ching, Pucca, and Hope will enter from above. Ring Ring, Blaze, and Melody, you will take down the zombie guards guarding the walls. Ayo, you will be responsible for the lookout. Got it?" he explained. Everyone nodded. However, that action is what Mel was counting on.

Meanwhile, Tobe's ninjas were alone with Mel. "Wow, you all are really loyal to Tobe." he said. The ninjas nodded. "Yes, he's our boss." one stated. "Hmm, but let me ask you something: What has he ever done for you?" he asked. "He hits us a lot!" one exclaimed. "Yeah, and calls us stupid!" another added. "Wow, and you all enjoy that?" Mel asked. The ninjas fell silent, some try to speak up but didn't. Mel shrugged. "Oh well, if you were my ninjas, I'd never treat you all as badly as he does." he sighed. He snapped his fingers, and some of Muji's zombies came in carrying  boxes. "I know how fond you all are of food," The zombies opened the boxes, filled with squids on sticks. The ninjas oohed and aahed at the sighed. "And they will all be yours, and many more things to come. do one thing for me." Mel said with a smirk. The ninjas listened as Mel told them about a plan.

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