Chapter Nine

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When Norma woke up, it was still the middle of the night. It wasn't much longer than when Alex left, 5 or 10 minutes maybe. She was woken by the door opening, and the mumbling of Emma and Dylan's voices. She patted the spot next to her, frowning as she noticed Alex was gone. "Alex? Alex?!" she looked around.

Dylan and Emma walked in the room as they heard the panic in her voice. "It's just everything okay? Where's Alex?" Emma said, a worried tone to her voice.

"I....I don't know." Norma frowned, sitting up and running her hand through her hair. It wasn't until she found a note on the side that something clicked. All it said was everything is going to be okay. I'm going to take care of it, I promise. Alex x '' and she knew exactly what he was doing. She threw the blanket off her and got up off the sofa immediately. "I-I need to go." she ran out of the room, grabbing her jacket.

"Woah woah woah, mom. Mom." Dylan followed her, holding her shoulders. "Slow down, what's going on?" he looked at her.

Norma wiggled out of his grip, grabbing her keys. "I think Alex is going to hurt Caleb."

"What?! What the hell, why? Why would he do that?" Dylan let go of her, starting to panic. He was just starting to bond with Caleb, he didn't want that taken away from him. He at least deserved a chance to make things better, and he had been trying.

"I told him everything about what he did, and now he's left a note saying he's going to take care of everything. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what he means." Norma opened the door.

"Well then you're not going alone. Caleb is my family too." Dylan followed her outside.

"I'm not going for Caleb, I'm going for Alex." Norma made sure Dylan knew that before they got there. As much as she appreciated Caleb trying to redeem himself, nothing could ever justify what he did to her. She got into her car, waiting for Dylan to join her before driving off at an increased speed.

"Jesus.." Dylan held on to the side of the car. "Slow down."

"I'm chasing after the freaking sheriff, Dylan, I don't think I need to worry about driving over the speed limit!" Norma yelled, taking a sharp turn to head to the farm.

Dylan watched her, raising his eyebrows. She sure got crazy at times, and it was scary. So he just decided to stay silent.

When they finally arrived at the farm, Norma closed the door as silently as possible. When Dylan started to step in front of her, Norma put her arm in front of him. "No, you stay out here. I got this. If I need you, I'll call." she said, moving past him and going inside the barn slowly. She spotted Alex and Caleb opposite her, and her heart started beating so fast. Alex was stood there, gun in hand, Caleb a short distance in front of him. "Alex.." she said in a calm voice, slowly making her way towards the two of them. "Put down the gun.." she held her hands out in front of her, starting to stand in the gap between the two.

Alex stared into space, staring straight past her like she wasn't even there. He just stood there, glaring at Caleb. "He raped you." he said, no emotion to his voice.

"And he's trying to redeem himself for it...he is a changed man, Alex. Please, don't do this--" Norma looked at him, her eyes full of sadness. She remembered back to when she killed Keith Summers, right after he'd attacked her. No matter what an awful man he was, or how much she wanted revenge on him, the fact she'd killed him haunted her for a very long time. She didn't want that for Alex, even if he'd probably experienced this type of thing many times. But this was different. This was no police business, this was his own personal choice.

"Redeem himself?! You honestly think it's fair for him stay here and play happy families with you? I don't care if he goes and saves the entire universe today, the fact is that when you were thirteen, he raped you...and there isn't any coming back from that, no matter what he does or says." Alex's hand started to shake as his finger made it's way to the trigger.

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