Chapter Thirteen

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Norma had just arrived back from the police station, and was planning on going in the bath then getting ready for bed. It'd been a long day and some relaxation was just what she needed. She was upstairs setting the bathroom up ready for her bath, when she heard a faint knock on the door downstairs. She groaned, blowing out the candles she'd just lit and stopping the running water. "Can a woman not have 5 minutes to relax?" she said in annoyance, quickly making her way downstairs. When she got down to the front door, she peeked through the curtains to see who was there. Once she realized it was Alex standing there, she wasn't so annoyed about being interrupted anymore. She opened the door, smiling. "Hey."

"Hey." Alex said in response, giving her a small nod. "I picked your car up from the docks for you." he said, looking over to her car that he had drove here.

Norma had to leave her car behind so she could be taken to the station, and she was planning on picking it up in the morning. "Oh, thank you. You didn't have to do that.." she smiled at him. "Wait, how are you going to get back home?"

"Well-I was hoping, I mean...if it wasn't too much trouble, that I could maybe stay here. You know, just in that motel room I stayed in before or something." Alex said with a shrug, avoiding her gaze.

Norma noticed he was acting a little bit strange, but she was confused as to why. "Sure, sure. I told you you're always welcome here." she nodded, a frown making it's way onto her face. "Alex, is there something wrong?"

"Get used to calling me Alex, 'cause that's all I am to you now." he chuckled awkwardly, looking at her. The situation wasn't funny at all, but Alex wasn't one to show his real emotions.

Norma gave him a sympathetic look, tilting her head slightly. "You lost your job.."

"Yuup." Alex nodded.

Stepping out from the house, she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly. "I'm so sorry.."

Alex relaxed into the hug, placing his hands on her lower back. "It's not your fault...I told you that."

"I know." she sighed, gently squeezing him into the hug. "But still, i'm sorry." she let him go after a moment, stepping back into the house. "Come on in"

He reluctantly followed her into the house, closing the door shut behind him. A small laugh escaped his lips as he glanced around the house. "Remember when I needed a warrant to come in here?"

Norma had started walking into the kitchen, but still heard his comment. She let out a laugh, matching his. "Yeah. It's funny how much things have changed since then." She got out a load of different bottles of alcohol. "Name your poison." she beckoned Alex over, gesturing towards the options.

Alex walked over, tapping the top of bottle of whiskey.

"So predictable." she shook her head and grinned, pouring him a glass of whiskey and a vodka for herself. She handed him his glass, lifting her glass up as if to make a toast.

Alex took his glass, noticing her gesture. "Are you seriously about to toast to me losing my job?" he raised an eyebrow.

"No, i'm not. You losing your job isn't something to celebrate, I get that. But it's not something for you to sit and grovel over, either-"

"I don't grovel-" Alex started, but Norma spoke over him.

"Which is why-" Norma continued, glaring at him slightly for interrupting her. "I'm toasting to your future. To new beginnings." she smiled slightly, tilting her head. "I mean i'm sure you have great memories as sheriff. But i'm sure your job has restricted you from a lot of things, right? You can do anything now, whatever you want. You can have fun, and make new memories."

Alex listened to her little speech, a small hint of a smile on her face. Maybe she was right. There had been a lot of things he'd opted out of doing because he was too busy with his job, or it wasn't something he was allowed to do as sheriff. But maybe this was his chance to actually try and loosen up a little, have some fun for once. He lifted up his glass. "To new beginnings."

Norma smiled widely, as if proud that her speech had been successful. She clinked her glass with his, downing hers straight after.

Before they knew it, the two of them had had a lot more than just one glass each. They were both sat in Norma's living room, slightly delirious.

Norma spoke up, her glass in hand as she slurred slightly. "You know, who even liked Bob Paris anyway?" she sat back in her seat. "I didn't."

Alex nodded. "I know you didn't, I know you didn't. Hey, I didn't either. Pfft, even his men probably didn't."

"His ass lickers? Nah. Nope. They just stuck with him for some'a this." Norma rubbed her fingers together, a gesture signifying money.

"That's it, you got it." Alex pointed at her, nodding yet again.

"See, I know. I just---I know." she tapped her forehead proudly, downing the remaining vodka in her glass and reaching for the bottle over on the coffee table.

Alex watched her as she struggled to reach the bottle. He reached his hand out to help her; which without realizing resulted in his hand pushing her backside. "You got it?"

With Alex's help, Norma eventually grabbed the bottle. "I GOT IT!" she shouted in celebration, sitting back down and refilling her glass. Had she been sober, she would've slapped Alex silly for touching her ass. But luckily they were both far from sober right now. "See, you can't have fun like this as sheriff. Can you. Can you?!" she poked at his cheek.

"You sure can't." Alex drank the rest of his whiskey, grabbing her finger when she continued to poke him. "That hurts."

"Wimp! Pshh. You act like you're such a tough guy, but you sure ain't mister. Nu-uh, I could take you on any day." She insisted.

"Are you kidding me, with arms like these?" He lifted up his arm, showing off his muscles.

"Arm wrestle, right here right now." Norma looked at him, her game face on. She was deadly serious about this.

"I'll go easy on you, I wouldn't want to snap your fragile arms." Alex grinned, reaching over to pull the table right by them.

Resting her elbow on the table, Norma held her hand out. "Ready?"

Alex rested his elbow on the table by hers, grabbing her hand. "Yup."

Norma tried to push over his way slightly, but it was no use. He had her arm down straight away. Alex had a triumphant look on his face, and Norma pouted. "I wasn't ready."

"Whatever loser. You suck." He let go of her hand, leaning back onto the sofa.

Norma leaned back onto the sofa, punching him in the stomach. "Jackass!"

"Ow!" Alex cried out, clutching his stomach.

"N'aww, I'm sorry." she patted his stomach gently where she hit it, resting her head there. That was definitely a bad idea. She must've kept her head there for what, 2 minutes? And she was gone. They both were. It'd been a long night anyway, but with the amount of drink they'd consumed they were just completely out of it. If someone told them a couple of years ago that they'd sit getting drunk together, they would laugh in their face. But now, it felt so right. All of it did.

To new beginnings.

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