Chapter Three

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After saying goodbye to Emma, Alex got into his car and answered his phone. "Hello?" he answered hesitantly, not recognizing the number.

"Hello Alex." Bob said from the other end of the phone, in his usual condescending voice.

"What do you want?" Alex said immediately, no emotion in his voice. He couldn't be bothered dealing with Bob Paris on any other day, never mind one where he was hungover.

"Oh there's no need to be so rude, I thought we were friends?" Bob said, a fake offended tone to his voice. "Me and you, we need a catching up don't you think?" he said with a grin on his face. "Come on, I have your favorite whiskey'll be like old times."

"Cut the crap Bob, you and I have never been friends and we never will be...alright? Just tell me what you want and be done with it." Alex said, carefully buckling his seatbelt and starting the engine.

"Ouch, That attitude-" Bob made a 'tut-tut' sound, shaking his head. "It's not going to get you anywhere you know." he span in his chair slightly. "Discussing things over the phone, so overrated...don't you think? I'd rather us have our little chat face-to-face."

Alex let out a deep sigh. "Fine, whatever. I'm on my way."

Bob smiled contently, getting out another glass and pouring a splash of whiskey into it. "That's the spirit. I can't wait to-" he began, before getting cut off by Alex hanging up. He rolled his eyes, sitting back in his chair and throwing his phone over on the sofa.

After a short drive, Alex had soon arrived at Bob's place. He hadn't the slightest idea what he wanted, but he knew it wasn't going to be a casual chat. When he knocked on the door, he was let in and led to Bob's office. "Bob." He nodded over at him.

"Alex, how nice of you to join me." Bob said joyfully, gesturing for him to sit down. "Come, sit down...have a glass of whiskey." He slid the glass towards him.

"Just get on with it." Alex pulled the chair back, sitting down and waiting for Bob to talk.

Bob raised an eyebrow. "As you wish." he leaned forward, swirling around the whiskey in his glass. "You see it's about your little....friend." he grinned, frowning and tilting his head as he pretended to think. "I forget her name....Nora, Nova-" he began, teasing. He knew exactly what her name was, but he enjoyed pushing Alex's buttons way too much.

Alex tensed up at the mention of Norma, willing to listen to his words now a lot more than before. "Norma. W-What about her?"

Bob pulled an amused smile, laughing quietly. "Look at you, you're like a little puppy yearning after it's owner." He sighed. "I just wanted to warn you about her, Alex. Man to man, friend to friend. You picked a bad apple there bro." he shrugged, taking a sip of his whiskey.

It took everything in him to not punch Bob in the face right there and then, but he wouldn't give him the satisfaction. "I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't 'pick' anyone."

"Oh please. The moment I mentioned her your attention span picked up like a kid when their parents mention candy." Bob laughed, shaking his head. "You can sit there denying that you like her, or you can listen to what I have to say about her. Either way is going to be painful for you, so you can decide."

"I haven't got time for your games, just tell me whatever you want to tell me." Alex said, crossing his arms.

"You think you know her Alex, but you don't. She's using you." Bob stated, trying to sound like he actually cared how Alex felt.

Alex took a deep breath, his anger growing. "I've known her for years. You've known her for what, 5 minutes? What makes you think you know her better than me?"

"Well, let's be real Alex....your judgement has never been the best now has it?" Bob raised an eyebrow. "It doesn't take a genius to see it. The only time she's interested is when she needs your help, she doesn't care about you and she never will. You're wasting your time with her." he said, continuing to wind him up.

"The only person I'm wasting my time on is you." Alex said in an annoyed tone, standing up. He was determined to not let Bob's comments get to him, but they were.

"Ouch, that hurt. All I'm doing is trying to help you, Alex, but you're so far in denial you won't even accept the truth. You're going to keep chasing after her like a lovesick puppy who ends up obeying to everything she instructs you to do. The big tough Alex Romero I always used to know wouldn't let himself be used like that. You aren't turning soft, are you?" Bob shouted over at him, keeping him in the office for as long as possible.

Alex almost laughed a little at that last comment. "I may have changed, Bob, but soft is something I'll never be." He stated before walking out.

Bob watched as Alex left the room, checking his phone as soon as the door slammed shut. He smiled contently at the message that popped up, pouring Alex's untouched whiskey into his own glass and drinking it.

When he left Bob's place, Alex was starting to drive back home. Part of him wanted to ignore every word he'd just heard. This was Bob Paris for god's sake, winding people up was his biggest hobby. But what if he was right? Norma had rarely shown him any affection, apart from the moments where he'd helped her with something...or she needed his help. Maybe it was a coincidence, or maybe Bob's theory was right. Maybe he really was chasing after a woman that would never love him. With all these thoughts in his head, Alex's judgement was clouded and he turned the car around, heading for the motel instead. He couldn't sleep with all these unanswered questions, he needed them answered and he needed them answered now.

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